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25 Feb 2015

Today, a guest correspondent from NY, Andy Are. This is on a trial basis only …

Did you ever reach the summit of frustration? I know I have. Just yesterday my trials & tribulations reached levels of near depression. But I can’t say that too loudly for some crackpot therapist will be recommending some medication(s) for that fleeting condition, showing me towards the door & screaming NEXT !!

What leads me to these depths?

Well, the weather experts predicted yet another winter storm so I went out to get supplies during a break in the weather from the last storm. Most of the walking dead & munchkins were either off the streets, out of the stores or otherwise so it was pretty much free sailing as I got a strategic short list of essentials including water, eggs, hot chocolate & popcorn.

I also made a stop for firewood.

The old hag running the woodlot had ABSOLUTELY no compassion & was totally immune to my charming banter. There were no discounts for seniors, good looks nor would she honor Gus’s coupons. She was hocking lots of ‘green’ wood when I axed & only the mesquite was seasoned. Cutting to the end of the story, I (over) paid for a short stack ($40) for what I could have bought a truckload for back home back in the day. The old rule of economics applying, supply & demand.

Thanks Andy. You can go now.

I am up early most anxious to paint this day. The ‘wintery mix’ has not materialized & the mesquite is burning very hot but without the boost from the gas jet I am thinking it won’t sustain. Which is fine for I will be in this room most of the day keeping an eye on things & counting the days until Daylight savings time, Spring & triple digit days return.

There were two (2) hockey games on last night & I was working on the Fla trip report making all of Patty’s changes finishing with no problem. Converted to .pdf again no problem UNTIL final check prior to posting. That is when the fecal material struck the air displacement device.

With the last such effort, the word.doc went right over to the pdf format with pictures, captions & all text perfectly aligned. This time, OMG. Some were, some weren’t, some I just could not get to fit, some missing & I am thinking ‘covered up’ by another image and I could not make anything work. So I totally gave up & walked away shutting down & turning the stupid machine off to try again, re-tee or re-tool maybe tomorrow, which is today, to see if it sorts out or self-corrects OR I think of something else to try & can figure it out. Time will tell. Bottom line Emma, it IS done but not ready to publish or post at this time.

So I ventured out to Wal-mart & there was plenty of water. Traffic & customers were orderly & I was able to get the few items I needed there. I am growing less fond of walmart for all the reasons mentioned here before plus some new ones. I am preferring K-Roget as it is closer to home (slightly, walkable most days or a quick bike ride) for quick purchases of small items. Plus I have my loyalty card there now set up for a percentage to go to St Vincent de Paul. My AmEx points double so if I pay a couple of pennies more for toothpaste or shampoo, I get it back.

K-Roget was busy but not insanely so. And the workers at K-Roget seem to be human. They engage in intelligent conversation without being nosey and are not the walkers working at the other place.

Singer-songwriter Austin Cunningham was scheduled to play at the Cadillac last night. Va was going to go but with the weather day on Monday did not want to risk another such event Wednesday. I was entertaining going solo but when I called ahead to confirm, I was told that he had cancelled. So I missed nothing. Cunningham sang at a Christmas Mass a number of years ago at St Joseph’s in Richardson. The then-wife & children happened to go to Mass that year & it was a great little show as AC performed the musical accompanyments to the Mass. Powerful voice & original songs I recall. His Mother worked at St Joseph’s office & had cds available so I bought one.

Today the plan is to paint & stay warm. During breaks job hunt or, more important, taxes. I need to call AmEx for a statement of a card I canceled early in 2014 that I now cannot access & need but I am not sure I am ready to fight that process & speak to anyone in Pakistan, Bangladesh or the Philippines.

Perhaps patience will build up, overflow & I can take a stab at the trip report …


From an absolutely dreary & dreadful roost in McK, USA, this day, Bill out.

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