Monday, March 23 2015
Looking back, I mislabeled a very numerically significant day/date earlier this month.
I had todays entry started but overnight I realised my error so I am doing a rare ‘do-over’ & doing some back-pedalling. I mean if therapists & others do it all the time or with vicious regularity, then I am going to do it one time. Now.
The entry that stands as the Ides of March eve, will forever forward be known as Pi day or National Mathematics day aka National Day of Numbers. If you are asked by a child or smart alec sometime & forget, just divide 22 by 7. Then you ax THEM how many significant figures they want it out to? That should shut them up.
Patchy fog this morning but highs this afternoon will reach nearly 30 with SUNSHINE.
So I need to get up & get after it early. For there is as always much to do.
Recall the article I wrote for The Sports Page? A DFW weekly sports free little paper? Well, it was not only published but ended up as the front page cover story much to my surprise. No, shock. I was filling in for my buddy from Philly who was going out of town on holiday & asked if I wanted to give it a shot. So quickly I fired off to him a first (very) rough draft to review & start discussions, suitability, content, direction etc. For some reason, still unknown to me, he sent it to his editor two (2) days before the we were going to talk, we never did chat about it & they printed it! Cover story !!
Hijo de puta !!
It was only slightly critical of the local home town hockey club & after watching the game Saturiday night against the Chicago Blackhawks, apparently my article succeeded in lighting a little fire under the team as the Stars totally outplayed the high flying Blackhawks shutting them out in a rare home victory 4-0.
I finished Rediscover Catholicism & am going to do a book review on the Matthew Kelly work here probably under the Essays tab. I was telling my Mom that it was difficult to start out, gaining momentum then as the end approached it became kind of sad.
From there I moved into a 630-page specification document for what I hope is a job interview this week. Slow going but I am at the halfway point entering this mornings session after nearly all day Sunday. This will continue today for as long as I feel I am retaining sufficiently. I need to finish this task this week or as soon as I can so every free minute will be reading & then reading up on interview technique skills do’s & don’ts.
I have the local PBS station on, news is questionable & closer to garbage.
Speaking of ‘news’, NBC news last week ran a story that a new ‘cause’ has risen to put the picture of a woman on the $20 bill. This is news? I mean WHY ? They had it narrowed down to 5 or 6 women, one ‘rule’ was that they (she) had to be deceased which removed 99% of my nominations. Cindy Crawford, my Mom, Sarah Palin. Scarlett Johannson, Sandra Bullock.
Rosa Parks, Norma McCovey (Jane Roe) & others just as ridiculous. Hillary ? See rule #1.
You need to be President to be on money. It's like a benefit you get after you die. I can't elaborate any furhter on this because currency reform is a platform for my 2020 campaign to turn this country around.
I got to go. I don’t have time for this today. I have a specification to read, chips to make, the sun is coming up & I don’t have a photo yet. I got company coming tonight & the house is a mess. Must continue the vernal equinox cleaning.
This is Bill. Enough for now. ***out***