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The html5 did not allow the title format to be what I wanted it to be for the superscript raising 3 to the third power not nearly as impressive. The format looked like these examples so I just wrote it out. 3:33:2015 3/33/15 3*(33)*2015. Also, 3, three to the third power, 2015

Need to begin with yet another CORRECTION.


Hey, listen CAREFULLY. Two times does not make a habit. I don’t think it even qualifies as ‘trending’ but I will look up habit right after or at the next schedule breakpoint.

The local IIE chapter function Wednesday evening at Qorvo mentioned in the last report was a bust. The dinner was sandwiches most of which contained meat & it being Wednesday I had to search for but finally found a fruit/nut wrap that was different & pretty tasty. I was fasting all day so I think I could have eaten the shingles off of any house in the immediate surrounding area.

The meeting was a bore, the presentation & presenter a 2.5 (C+ if your keeping score alphabetically at home). The tour of the facility was RESCHEDULED. It seems Qorvo was in the process of major renovations with the name change/merger with Triquint & said ‘No Tours’ right now. So they are claiming August/September for said tour. Sitting in on the ‘meeting’ made me not want to get back into the work force. At all. EVER.

I seemed to know as much & more at times about operations & the semiconductor process(es) than the person presenting and on top of that the questions from the floor (others) were off. As in off the wall, off the table or off of the chart. I mean it was like there was a contest for stupid questions. I was not sure if these people were truly idiots or that I knew much more than I THOUGHT I knew. Sad either way.

Well, that horse has been kicked sufficiently. I think you get the idea.

Speaking of horses, fast forward to Thursday now & the planned day excursion to Sherman.

It had rained over night & there was a ‘cold’ front now settled in. Which meant the wind had a distinct chill in spite of the random to steady sunshine.

I found Pete’s place and long story short we did not get to see or do anything with the horses. He showed me his carvings & collections of horses before we had to head out for lunch & meet up with Nanette.

We arrived a bit early & waited inside for Nanette out of the wind which was now strong AND cold. She showed up in a miniute & we got a table. What a nice visit we had. Nanette looked good & she still has the ability to tell a funny story. We talked about work, people, grand kids & activities between ordering & eating lunch. On the way out we decided to do it again in a month or two.

Arriving home my priorities centered around up & coming plans.

I followed up on the theater tickets for this weekend. Both shows for Saturday were looking bad so there were a few seats left for Friday night so I grabbed them. The theater's website for the Testament of Mary had a good review & yours truly has a plan to write a review of his own & post it on blogs of Saint Michael’s & Saint Gabriel’s respective websites for advertising & exposure but only after & if favorable.

During the night I awoke & restarted the read of Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith as interpreted by Russ Roberts. The chapter was How to Make the World a Better Place. It fit so well with Matthew Kelly’s recently finished work that I made a mental note on the level of synergy between the two.


As usual, there is a long list of things to do today, some fun & some mandatory. I should finish or the very least work on the two Brazilian cardinals, the view from Dukes for examples of fun and laundry & continue vernal equinox cleaning for not so fun.

And I can't forget breakfast.

palm Sunday.jpg

So, bang the drum, play the flute & pluck your dulicmer to celebrate Friday & this weekend which will include Palm Sunday.

A BIG ONE for sure. Looking for a couple of days off however full report with possible review from our new theater critic Guillermo Sanchez.

enjoy the day.

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