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Last of April 2015

Another rare Twofer as this will be both the weekly recapitulation & the Weekend edition this week.


Very funny but not humorous.

First, the recap. Tuesday recall was a scheduled outing in Ft Worth for Colonial Volunteer packet pickup. A ‘greet & go’ real quick is what the CCC & tournament committee desired.

I saddled Silver & rode west after the tidal surge locally known as rush hour(s) settled down & successfully navigated the over-cautious grayheads & soccer moms texting finding myself with ease at the Texas Civil War Museum. It had rained & was sprinkling nearly a fine mist when I made my way form Silver to the entrance.

The musuem was well worth the trip & the time spent. There was plenty to see and the whole thing was well laid out, planned, new, neat & clean. The staff friendly & efficient. I was directed to an auditoriium after paying for the right to view the exhibits & behave. The film was good & short, a high level overview of the role the State of Texas played in the War between the States.

While not ‘into’ high fashion myself personally, there was a large collection & exhibit of period clothing. Hit the link to save me a gazillion words. Lots of photos which I found extremely interesting. On the closest possible inspection, none, NO ONE smiled in any of the pictures showing any teeth. I searched long & hard to find only one little girl, guessing 5 or 6 that was MAYBE smiling. Enough of a crack smile to give her the benefit of the doubt. I am thinking dental hygiene & oral health had not yet come of age in the later half of the 19th Century.

Weapons from rifles, handguns, knives & swords even artillery pieces were neatly displayed. Medical kits, uniforms, flags were all magnificent and short films even an actor in a uniform was on hand chatting with visitors.

There were two school buses in the lot and a surprising number of cars as well which was good to see. The two plus hours I alloted myself went by quickly & I decided yes, I would visit again.

On the way out I browsed the gift shoppe for something I couldn’t live without. I found nothing however background music was pleasing so I bought the cd by Jed Marum Cross over the River. Kind of historical folky with 12 string guitar, fiddle, flute, mandolin, button accordian & lots of banjo from the period around the Civil War. Some traditional arrangements as well as original tunes from that time. You can just hear the small group of soldiers with instruments passing time around a camp fire entertaining themselves. Virginia, the music afficiondo, gave it two thumbs up.

From here, I took a leisurely drive to Vallarta, the little Mexican seafood grill that is the best place on the planet described earlier. Get this. The tostada de ceviche was the same price but the plate was LARGER. I mean WHERE do you find THAT ?? And of course it was delicious. I ordered a whole fried catfish to go for dinner later which was also enjoyed.

I proceeded to the CCC but found myself a bit early & ahead of schedule so being near the campus of TCU, I stopped into the large purple Barnes & Noble store there on the corner. Visiting brick & mortar book stores is becoming like spotting & watching dinosaurs. Becoming harder to do. I found a nice picture book of Maya & Aztec civilizations & whilst browing fell asleep for a little siesta. But not before setting my alarm watch.

At the appointed hour I was at CCC, got my packet, a beverage & ‘light snack’, for the record stale or SOFT cold popcorn. I wanted to go thru the packet before leaving so I sat at a large table next to this middle aged blonde after axing permission & opened the envelop. Well, she started talking & I immediately realized she was dumber than a box of rocks. And she kept talking. Told me she moved back to Ft Worth from Frisco & knew of McKinney. And KEPT TALKING. Her Mom was 88 ...

About this time I was really glad I didn’t have a gun. I don’t know if I would have put her out of her misery of simply done some other fella or perhaps even society a HUGE favor removing her from the cesspool.

Wednesday & Thursday were spent around the castle grounds working in various capacities on a number of projects. I finished a book, Made for More by Curtis Martin. If given the chance, pass on it. From the Dynamic Catholic group, it is aimed at a totally different demographic than would find, discover & even like this readership vehicle. Glad to put it away & start another expose on the internet.

I worked on my golf game under beautiful weather conditions. Physical ailments improved with dietary adjustments & advil along with confidence boosts which pretty much gets the recap current.

Playing in the a golf tournament tomorrow so a Friday entry is a shell game. I have been practicing all week & it has been a struggle to put it even mildly & GROSSLY understates the condition. Pains in the lower back, left arm high at the shoulder were really restricting the swing but today I was able to take full, hard swings with bearable pains. Part of the problem I am speculating is the mattress. Must remedy this situation in the next week or two.

I thought about it, made some adjustments & it seemed to pay dividends this afternoon. It was a beautiful day to be out at the range. Sunny, warm but not too hot. A slight zephyr …


I decided that my calcium & vitamin C intakes had been dropping off so a slight dietary adjustment was in order. I bought a container of oj, with pulp, vitamin A, D & calcium added and increased my milk (1%) intake. And the advil anti-inflammatory helped I am sure. Keeping the ibuprofine level up & elevated until tomorrow afternoon will be in order. So low expectations. It is a scramble, Knights of Columbus charity event & fund raiser.

Watching the developments in Baltimore. Seems to have overflowed to Philly. That’s OK. Wake me up when it gets to McK.

The hard copy of the book proof showed up today. It was on the door step when I got home from the range. I found a format error then some other small proofing goofs that need to be fixed. So more delays there. Overall this version looks & resembles very closely the original first printing of ten (10). It is going to be good & exciting to see if this project takes off.

Stanley Cup playoffs continue in the evening. Two games each of marginal interest. Right now I like the Bolts who play tomorrow night. Second game is Blackhawks v Wild. Rangers fall to Caps tonight. OK. Ducks smother Flames 6-1. Ducks v Hawks will be a good series. As much as I like the city, I am routing against the Habs in favor of the Lightning.

Patty has some plans for us Saturday & Sunday is for the most part open so it should be rather relaxed & low-key. The backyard garden is shaping up with planting, transplanting & finding optimum spots for the various containers of peppers, tomatoes & greens. Very cool & it will be challenging to keep them all alive & watered in the next few weeks.



The sun cuts obliquely thru the blinds rising this morning. The solarium is the place to be right now for it is only about 18 outside. Most pleasant with the birds competing outside with the classical station inside at the moment.

I have a few more items to check off the list this morning before I head to the course to start warming & loosening up for the St Gabby’s Knights of Columbus event.

The hardcopy proof of the book still has errors. A serious format issue was discovered & then another misspelling (or two !!). Incredible & extremely annoying.

Must cut, run & dash.

Have the greatest of weekends.


Oh, nearly forgot to mention the Kentucky Derby. The KofC event was missed last year because I was in Louisville. Depending on how this event goes today will determine if at this time next year I will be golfing or watching again the run for the roses in KY.

Bill out chilling out.

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