Five fifteen fifteen
No, not stammering or stud-ud-uddering this morning Fans but & because it is FRIDAY all day, the weekend looms large & there are plans, I don’t mind sharing my aggitated & excited state.
But FIRST & right out of the gate, three things that have gotten my goat of late.
Todays pitcher is a goat. It reminds me of a therapist I had on staff once 24/7 with the pink boots.
With her it was ALL ABOUT the FOO FOO. Look closely & the boots probably have a Torey Birch emblem on them somewhere.
Speaking of therapists, there is a ‘new social media’ scheme I discovered today should make some members of the less that 1% EXTREMELY rich.
#1: Look up Talkspace. Text a therapist for as little as $19/week … 200+ LICENSED wags standing by will HELP YOU solve ALL of your problems. I mean what could be easier ? This is less than a personal massage. I’m talking a rub & tug.
This has JOKE written ALL OVER it. A facebook for the truly certifiably mentally deranged, OOPS totally insensitive of me. ‘Out of balance but only SLIGHTLY’.
Give me a break. I would like to see a study sometime if a correlation exists between such nut cases & those/them that does not have Faith, go to A Church or believe in Jesus, The Lord or pick a supreme power of your choice. Just curious here & thinking out load.
AND ONE FINAL THING on that … remember ALL email, texts & phone calls are captured & STORED by Big Brother. (Think PERMANENT record ... OR evidence) Be careful what you are saying about whom, to whom. Not paranoid at all here just a Public Service at no charge OR gain to myself.
Moving along …
# 2: While riding my bike this week, I became particularly annoyed by drivers with the tinted windows. OK, so you cannot see in & I get that they truly ARE better than me.
But they can see you but don't assume so or you could be dead.
Two (2) times vehicles (a sedan & a truck) with such windows were stopped & they MAY have motioned for me to cross in FRONT of them. But I could NOT see in so I stopped & went BEHIND both (and EVERY time btw).
NO WAY ride in front of such a vehicle. It could be some dingbat on a cell phone not paying ANY ATTENTION & BAM. Bike rider = toast.
Talk about an unforeseen safety hazard.
Bill’s number one rule of riding, be read for anything & anticipate the worst.
And keep your head on a swivel with your eyes moving. You can NEVER RELAX in traffic.
YOU are a NUT CASE. Your membership check is being returned more-non.
#3: There is apparently a move (think campaign) underway to replace Andrew Hamilton on the $20 bill with a woman. Apparently this is ‘far along’ with such IDIOTIC surveys, polls & interviews having selected Harriet Tubman (sp?) to replace Jackson.
This is total BULLSHIT !!
I mean I get the Queen in some places but in the United States we honor Presidents on currency.
I’ll stop using $20’s if this change is made to placate & empower little school girls in Maryland.
Ellen Degenerate said she wanted to be considered until she found you needed to be dead. Then she said is was OK & she could wait. I was thinking in the meantime that that could probably be arranged.
Since currency reform is part & parcel to MY 2020 campaign, I am not going to say any more. Right now.
I failed to mention Mother’s day last week. Shame on me. My Mom is still here with us & a complete & total Joy. An inspiration & a Saint. I sent here a card with a nice note. When I tried to call her that Sunday, she was out running around gallavanting. What a gal. My Dad was sure lucky. I can only wish I were so lucky.
I kind of lost track with the comings & goings of the famous people from the silly email newsletter calendar.
Salvador Dali had a birthday in there somewhere. Frank Sinatra died. Markie Zuckerberg had a birthday. The current book I am reading really rips the facebook founder. He dropped out of Harvard, was TOTALLY inept socially & acquaintances say talking to him was like talking to a computer. A true social outcast.
FF to today, he is a Billionaire so he automatically qualifies as a ‘cult leader’ & trend setter.
Pick up & read Andrew Keen’s The Internet is NOT the Answer. The current version is NOT working as originally planned or designed. Instead of creating jobs & opportunities, it is destroying jobs, careers are slowly going away & industries are disappearing.
Last night I finished the case of Kodak, formerly a huge manufacturer & supplier of photographic equipment & material(s) based in Rochester, NY is gone in favor of digital technology. Rochester is an empty shell. I am not thru the first 100 pages yet & one can see it all unfolding & coming apart to the benefit of a few, VERY few, new rich. The disposition of wealth is growing way more lop-sided and guess what? It is only going to get WORSE.
From late night telly last night, a new movie out. Catchy title … ‘Trainwreck’. DANG. They stole the title of my life story. Note to self: must rework title.
OK. I would very much like to get a haircut today. Must call here SOON for an open slot. Tonight & selected spots over the w/e, in Richardson for the Wildflower festival. Va has contracted Bill’s excort service. Tonight the smithereens, Sunday Gary P Nunn & Joe Ely. Since it is in her ‘hood, she will attend Saturday as well being a fan of the folk music scene & artists performing.
There is a large bead show in Grapevine looks like Saturday morning for yours truly & home in PM for the Bolts v Rangers before Mass.
Patty wants to go bike riding & the range for golf practice but the radio dude said it was ‘raining in McK’ so I went outside & it isn’t. Forecast for the weekend EVERY DAY includes rain.
Reminds me of a NY family vacation a few years ago. All we did was look u p & watch clouds & rain, And rain. And MORE rain.
I am getting a number of funnies & political humor cropping up in the in-box. This past week I seriously thought about sharing some of those. I don’t like such things but the 2016 races are shaping up to be something ranging between nauseating to digusting.
OK. Must dash.
Have a fab w/e.