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I received my start time & group members via broadcast email late the night before.


Due to the weather, the Committee & the PGA trimmed the field to accommodate CBS television covereage. The field was considerably smaller and my group at 7:30 was three players all -2 under par & too far back in the pack to be serious contenders for the championship.

There was Scott Brown who I was with in Day I so this was now the SECOND time I had heard of him. Chesson Hadley was & still is an unknown commodity to me but I am getting a little ahead of the narrative. The third player, Steve Stricker.

YES !! Steve Stricker from the 2008 US Ryder Cup team, seen in numerous commercials & this is IT. The Crown in Crown Plaza. I had gotten Stricker to sign the flag a few years ago, he is a past Colonial winner & a ball would be huge. Things are lining up for a grande finale.

Then it starts to rain. And rain. And rain some more.

The weather radar app was truly devastating & if I say depressing please DO NOT even suggest meds.

A two hour delay Immediately. Then two & a half & finally three hours.

During this delay & between announcements from tournament & PGA officials, speaking to pump us up, regaled how great the volunteers were at Colonial, the best of any city on the PGA tour which I am thinking they tailor to what ever city they are in at the moment and then recognized individuals with length of service awards. I hatched a plan with my other amigos that I will briefly share & close with.

Jimmy car pooled in with his brother Dave even though he wasn’t scheduled to work. He was in uniform & offered his availabilty to the committee captain. Hearing this started my mind going.

The volunteers building was crammed & packed full of men & women, mostly older, standing, strolling & SITTING everywhere. We finally found seats together & I mentioned my desire to attend a gem, mineral, jewelry & fossil show nearby & head for home.

Jimmy was willing so I then bounced it off the Captain & got him to agree HOWEVER to keep it quiet so as not to ruffle any feathers. Some of the newer volunteers are coming across as whiney little cry babies so discretion was recommended. Which we did but not until Jerry almost let the cat from the sack. I finally got his attention aside to let it go & why & he got it.

So I left and when I mentioned successful completion of negotiations to Jimmy, he said that if he were to get a signed ball from Steve Stricker, he would give it to me.

How GREAT is that? I told him I would trade him a John H Peterson (recall I have two (2) AND throw in the Scott Brown ball as well.


The gem & mineral show was borderline bust. Parking was larcenous AND admission on top of that.

I had a firm wish list for very specific beads to purchase of which there were only two (2) vendors neither of which had what I was looking for.

There were some really nice minerals of every color, size & shape imaginable but very pricey.

Even some very cool necklaces & pendents which I hope I can remember because I could not take photos. I continued collecting business cards to visit websites, strolling and axing questions of the various artists before leaving.

Home was marvy. I had totally forgot I cleaned house before leaving so was a little taken aback with the overall appearance & condition of the place.

It was so nice to be home.

Grace Jones & her drones, killer bees, trained snakes & attack dogs had kept the Fort from being overrun by zombies, robbers, walkers or over zealous fans.

There truly is no place like home.

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