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One June 2015

A Monday, a new month, the year is nearing the half-way point & the rain has stopped with the return of sunshine & seasonably cool temperatures for the time being anyway.

Yes Fans, yesterday was sunny & perfect and today starts sunny & cool with prospects for more warmth. Biggest news is the rain appears to be over for a bit so this is one of those times when one can truly feel fortunate and say a prayer of Thanks for all tihngs good.

Estate mint tea this morning very heavy with mint as the recent rains have made the bumper crop MORE abundant. I read somewhere recently that mint was good for you & I had almost forgotten how good it could be hot, fresh with the tart, fuzzy litte red sumac berries.

So I was up early, read some short chapters from the latest book, took a short nap & tried to get out of bed again.


The weekend plan came off like clockwork. Michael Crichton’s Pirate Lattitudes is a terrific read & already past the first 100 pages. Pure fun, fast & very entertaining. I found out the book was a first edition & now probably worth a bit more than I paid for it. I am already thinking it is worth reading again. This is the only other author in addition to John Stephens & myself of course whose work I would read again.

Wicked Strong Racing has three registered for the HH100 this year. Patty, Mikey & me as none other of the deadbeats pony up. Others will pay more but the Team has increased membership & riders for this years race already. FB is the emergency contact so there by default is Medical Director Wicked Strong Racing. Others will fork over extra $15 after today as entry fee jumps from $30 to $45.

Stanley Cup Finals begin Wednesday night with a dream matchup. Bolts dispositioned NYRangers Friday & the Bhawks embarrassed the ‘Mighty’ Duck Saturday night. The DRed Sox were similarly humiliated by the TXRangers in a four game series 3 games to 1.

Saturday afternoon the value of having an organized plan was demonstrated in full.


Va jets in for Mass & the concert Saturday in Frisco with Huey Lewis & J Buffet. We took some time to make a plan & decided we needed some booze for the show. Out of Makers & leftover Uncle Dick’s ‘Top Dog’/’Dawg Daze’ margarita mix from the Cinco de Mayo event waiting to be disposed of properly & responsibly so the shopping list was short. Makers & tequila.

Couple in photo bottom right from the floor seats for Huey Lewis APPARENTLY were NOT impressed with the bouncing beachballs & could not wait to get home.

We run short on time & speed North up 75 a few exits to Fossil Creek Liquors, Beer, Wine & massage. Second base/stop is Mass at 5:00. Time is now squeeeeezing the dynamic duet.

A stop at the cloud was going to be required sometime before the show (and Mass) so we plugged into the algorithm a number of factors, digits, formulae including the weather. Besides, she forgot to grab the tickets but we WON’T GO THERE.

Rapidly filling the baby Makers & filling all other such ‘life support’ party gear, we left quickly for Mass at a new venue in Frisco closer to the concert site.

St Francis of Assisi was a large complex and first walking into the nave of church, it seemed small. Almost too small. However once inside the vast size was staggering. The alter, priest & servers were far in the distance & the flock could have been 1 or 2,000. There was a bustle of activity borderline read distractions but not so in a church. One father led a son out to the back that had thrown up. You heard me correctly. Ushers later came with paper towels & mops which was way over kill then ‘slippery floor’ signs to mark the area.

We were out & looking for a place to park before you could say or sing a couple days off or wasting away again whereever …

Traffic was the usual nightmare & even though we were slightly on the early side, the crowd of revelers were already milling towards the gates. And a finer collection of drunks cannot be found than at a J Buffet concert. I was there mostly to see Huey Lewis & the news play a couple days off. He did enough of his ‘hits’ to pacify the local older crowd but for the life of me U am thinking NOW maybe the older geysers could not handle a couple days off. I told Va what a let down.

Between shows we make way to our paid seats. We saw HL&the news from the floor as Va had some connections but only for the opening acts.

So we find a concession stand & Va goes to that line whilst I line up with the boys for urinal space available. It takes only a matter of minutes which would delight my urologist.

When I meet back up with Va, she informs me that they do not have Coca-cola ANYWHERE in Toyota Stadium !!


You mean we should have smuggled in the Coke as well?

‘How about Dr Pepper?’ she says.

‘How bout we go HOME’ I reply.

‘What about an RC?’

‘Fine.’ Well, I LIED & it wasn’t. I couldn’t finish it & switched to a beer which I sipped gingerly.

Whoever heard of a Dr Pepper & Makers? I mean Makers & Dr Pepper doesn’t even work.

Makers & RC? WHAT? Reclaimed ?

Apparently we found the way out & home for Sunday morning was perfect for a bike ride. Original plan called for hitting golf balls but the range was flooded & closed.

There were little minutia not included but worth mentioning just to let you know that I, like everyone, has domestic chores & affairs to attend to. Things like laundry, lawn, plant watering, yard & artistic project all showed signs of activity. Small but steady.

Finally, the next IIE article was worked on. Progress is slow & much more difficult than first anticipated but again, keeping focused & going forward.

I could go on but I fear now if I did that Iwould run out of material by mid-month.

10:38 PM

Once again technology goes bust. Shortly after completing this entry, the netwrok connection failed. No problem just wait til later, right?

WRONG. Rechecking at this late hour, still down & new acronym found here … POS.

See 2 June, Six Two & Odd for continuation & you will be current. For now.

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