June Ate 2015
Another Monday, second one this month and they are not getting any easier.
Received a communique from Oz & Emma just after the last posting & before actual weekend fiesta began. Interesting happening at that end is the WINTER solstice. At 5:30 PM, it was wicked dark already but daylight hours will be changing inversely as it will here in a couple of weeks.
Rather than lose totally the uninformed, I will stop here & let you google ‘solstice’ as an Independent Study project for your own overall edification.
There is a lot to go over & catch you up on so let’s get after it if it’s OK with you.
I finished Michael Crichton’s Pirate Latitudes & the book review / book report Is done & posted. So Friday I went to the McK library searching for another book by Andrew Keen after drawing a big blank at APL. Another set back for the Allen Public library with the only work they had was the one I just recently finished. Also I stopped at local Half-priced books & ordered The Cult of the Amateur also by Keen from another regional store. So reading is set for a while. To follow I expect the new/next one by Matthew Pearl.
Saturday was golf at Twin Lakes with Patty at her workplace’s annual scramble. Our team did not do too well overall but we had some great fun. I am thinking everyone had some memorable shots & some that were very forgettable. The sooner the better in some cases. Door prizes again this year were awesome. I won a lob wedge, Patty won a new putter & I also won a rafffle prize for a Pelican cooler. Very cool. Heavy duty, ruggedized & an industry recognized leader in that product. I mean this thing could be dropped from the space shuttle, survive & still be cool.
On the way home we stopped at a roadside farm stand & got a watermelon, plums, blueberries, blackberries, cucumbers & what else?
Sunday morning we went to Mass & then just lounged around & hung out by the lagoon. The tide was in & the water was cool & very refreshing.
I was working on the article, wrapped up that project for the time & was reading the yahoo news.
What a joke. Apparently Clint Eastwood made a quip about Juice Brenner now known as Cait & is being ‘RAKED’ over the coals for exercising his right to FREE SPEECH. Go ahead, make my day creep …
The ‘article’ also cited mentioning most comments & commentary have been ‘positive & supportive’ ….
Someone says ANYTHING contrary & they are busted, blasted, roasted & crucified via social media for doing so. Sometimes I am really glad that no one reads this or has discovered this vehicle yet.
Then one of the Williams sisters won a tennis tournament & the lambasting rages with ‘racism & sexism’ comments & remarks. I mean I am NOT or even GOING THERE with this one. Tennis ranks up there with non-sports related sports. Women or men. Naked ping-pong or beach volleyball are not getting enough coverage in my OPINION & this needs to be improved AND soon.
I noticed a piece of spam in the filtered folder. ‘Get a psychology degree in less time than you think.’
First of all, how much time do ‘I think?’ Second, what will such a degree buy me? Could I be a therapithed ? (lisp)
I mean I KNOW all the buzzowrds … PTSD, OCD, ADD, ADHD.
Could I specialize in treating PTSD in animals ? Could I dispense meds to people that are depressed ? Incontinent ? Suffering from ED ?
Speaking of ED, why is a four (4) hour erection suddenly a problem ? I mean isn’t this what they are taking it FOR ?
I mean who wants a quickie alla time ?

Could I soooth a poor cardinal bathing naked in public in the backyard bird bath ?
Mr Cardinal, your song sounds a little off today. Why?
So what’s been happening ?
How are you & Mrs Cardinal getting along? Are you still seeing Ms Bluejay on the side? Now you KNOW this isn’t right don’t you?
I noticed today McKinney, Texas trending on yahoo AND then a feature story on NBC Nightly News with Les Holt.
Further investigation finds a black eye to our fair community when a local MPD officer lost composure at a private summer pool party. Seems he drew his service pistol as things were ALLEGEDLY getting out of hand.
NO SHOTS FIRED so I think this is something they conveniently left out. Mixed & harmonious neighborhood so they claim.
I got to go.
God Bless Clint Eastwood.