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July First

This would be the report for the whitewater period of the calendar, the comings, goings & happenings of the FIRST or more commonly known as the Fourth of July, the 239th Independence Day in American history.

CORRECTION: Emma checked in from Oz & I made an error in the last report. I refered to the 'Julian' calendar & what I should have refered to the current calendar in use is the 'Gregorian' calendar. I should have checked that fact out first but I was too busy.

So the Holiday house guests arrived late Thursday night & it was IMMEDIATELY game on. Some quick snacks after unloading & checking in, it was into the lagoon with lights & torches for mood & atmosphere.

Friday morning we woke to RAIN of all things. Unforecasted the day & night before but the pop-up shower passed but left things cloudy & on the cooler side. S2 & I attacked a list of thingys to do.

We sized things up in the garage, made a run to Home Depot for selected items and returned home for more coffee & to get the projects in motion. We got a tire swing hung that FBNG didn’t seem to fully appreciate yet A hanging bike rack in the garage created HUGE space. There is a multi-port power strip now anchored much more securely. In the late afternoon it warmed just a little as FINAL plans were put in place for the First which is the Fourth.

Fireworks of blossoms_resized.jpg

Saturday we were up early & a new RECORD of EIGHT (8) or ate spider lily blossoms exploded like white floral fireworks which is todays main picture.

Today it looks like there MAY BE even more blossoms but I am watching out of the window while washing the dishes.

Time is again a crunch.


NGFB whispered very softly how nice it would be to go for a bike ride & get a donut. The little Donut Destroyer was granted that wish. She proclaimed loudly a star sprinkle found on her highly embellished donut of choice. I’ll see if I can downselect a picture.

She DOES destroy them alright.


Son 1 came over & things REALLY took off. S1 took command of concocting the cocktails then the mood became merrier.

From the grill. hot dogs, fajitas, brats & onions, peppers + peppers were great.

The weather returned to form for July as the sun was hot & we all found the lagoon cool, refreshing & most welcome. FBNG brought squirt guns which provided much aqua-fun.

In the later afternoon, FB connected with the Queen of Stick (QoS). They had lost touch with starting families & all so we ALL got an invite to go over to see there new house for a swim & carry on in a parthying fashion etc. Which we did piling into the Nanton Explorer for the short trip to Frisco. The QoS was glad to see us. They have two little guns. For security & privacy, there is More & Low. Mo is the elder 2-ish & Lo is about 1 or so. Both very cute.

It got dark & fireworks were going off somewhere nearby but hard to see. I had to get out of the pool, get to a remote corner of the yard and thru a small tree between some houses was able to see a few or some little parts of the flares. But hey, seen one set of pyro-technics you have pretty much seen them all. There was not a gret deal of interest from the rest of the revelers so it passed.

Sunday morning it was time to repack & reload the vehicle. This was a slow process for the guests. I was anticipating as much so went to Mass at 8:00 at St Michales. It was the first Mass for the new priest. He was GREAT. Forty-five minutes. I mean I was back home BEFORE 9:00. By TWO (2) minutes. With contruction !!

I left the cloud early, stopped & bought a Sunday paper for the first time in years. The last time the paper was $1.00 or 1.50. This day it was $3.00. First bite. The second big turn off was story on the FRONT page … ‘Same-sex marriage could provide economic boost to Texas economy’. drivel.

The rest was OK. The colored funnies section is still there but the comics are not so funny. A few were familiar from the day like Prince Valiant. There was Dennis the Menace & a few others.

I am running out of gas, steam and time. I am getting hungry & have some banking & errands to do on a trip out.

FINALLY, here is a safe link from years gone by from Yt from the West Coast. An oldie, John Wayne's tribute to America. With friends ...

Get back to work.

We can party again THIS weekend OR start counting the days down to LABOR day.

You choose.

aloha from the cloud.

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