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Twelve August 2015

7Taking a break this morning already as I seem to be obsessed with the job hunt. I really DON’T know what’s come over me. I can not say why.

I had a recurring dream last night where I was playing golf. A big tournament of some sort & I kept running into problems & trouble. Very strange as dreams usually are. I mean I was on the edge of a water hazzard to retrieve a ball then suddenly slipped into the water. A rather steep bank, I was in over my knees before I stopped slidding & when I pulled myself out I was neither wet, muddy or even uncomfortable. And it goes on …

Happy Birthday greetings go out to Sis1 in KY. She is 29, or 39. Best to forget which AND not ax.

Finally hit on a new read. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss. I found it once again in the Unread (apparently) section of my personal library. I don’t remember reading it & it looks brand new. With such a title I cannot figure out for the life of me HOW it got there.

Also today looking at getting into the artistic projects. The cosmic reef I can FEEL the end & completion is nearing.

The large View from Dukes is SCREAMING for the next section. I think I have an idea, plan or clue what I want to do as the next phase & step. It is still a ways off but looking very good & most impressive at this point.

Must work on something for supper. Plenty of time however. Patty is coming over & I do have some ideas.

Laundry is in process. Maybe a bike ride but my skin is tingling so I may seek longer solar relief with this day more indoors.

The well is dry.

See there? It does happen to the BEST of us.

Bill out.

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