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Ate-teen + 1 August 2015

Off day yesterday for a report as most of the day was spent on recon gathering intelligence in Sherman.

But Mr Peabody, there is nothing in Sherman …

Don’t be easily confused my boy. There is intelligent life nearly everywhere however some, more correctly, in most places one must sometimes search persistently & diligently to FIND it.

That’s enough for today Sherman.

You’re swell Mr Peabody !

So I visited Pete yesterday as planned & mentioned more than once in previous reports. We had lunch, talked about carving, projects, horses & wood. Just a wealth of information. I succeeded getting the finishing material & method(s) that Pete uses which was an main objective of the trip. Pete gave me some crepe myrtle wafer slices & I gave him a large piece of rosemary.


The rosemary BUSH, NOT Rosemary Bush, that was growing out back when I moved in was out of control & I whacked it back once too often, haphazardly & she died. But as in most cases, not a huge loss & good riddance as I needed the real estate in that little section of herb jardin.

So I planted a new, smaller plant in its place after I yanked out the stem of the older plant which by now was a sizeable trunk.

Pete takes such odd pieces & carves ‘spirit faces’ in them or just polished them up & waxes them. The grain literally jumps out & glows as a piece of art.

There is much to do so signing off for now.

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