Ate Sept 2015
Nine eight (ate) has some significant number action going on but nothing like ’76 when on this day I got fired from a job. No loss, the boss was very forgettable. New to the position and so bad that after two (2) short weeks it was an absolute Blessing. And I am over it.
That day/date was 9/8/76 so that is NOT forgettable. I still celebrate. (insert winky smiley face)
Moving along, Labor day here was grand, as ever. Hope yours was there as well.
Virginia finally did fly in early Saturday morning I think she said Milan but the customers buisness is striclty private & confidential. I listen but don’t always try to hear every tiny detail in case I ever have to go to court.

Menu items were a grilled salmon (coho), fresh, whole from the Chinese fishmongers at Ranch 99. At $1.99/ lb, it was like we were stealing it. Tomato-quecumber-Greek salad. Very colorful with red & yellow tomatoes, red & white onions, black, green & purple olives. White chuncks of feta.
Sunday grilled marinated steak with naan, Bill’s fabuloso beans & the Greek salad. A $400 bottle of wine or maybe it was $4000. Again, discretion. Talk about crazy good, naan at the Indian market, garlic & whole wheat, pack of five (5) each, ready for this $4.88 TOTAL. Just killer.
She took off for points east so Labor Day was all work. Signage, progress was made on the View from Duke’s and plans for the week. I got the booth at the Holiday boutique so things will be full speed ahead in the shop/studio(s) of Bill here between now & 7 November to get as much and as many project finished as possible.
I MUST get a large number of blanks cut & shipped to my Brother in NY to cut out as crosses. Then get them back to finish & decorate for the sale. The crosses will be my small items to recover the application & booth fees.
There are a total of ten (10) shorebirds in different stages of undress that can be completed. Most should be. I think four (4) have paint on them already so they are closer. Tropical fish, take a tank, acouple others as stand alones. One to finish carving, one to finish only the painting.
I really, REALLY want to do a little tri-fold flier to hand out. Think expanded buisness card & abbreviated website. I have the concept, just need to polish up some verbiage & get it to the printer.
That’s about it.
Time for the iced tea and sipping it in the garage, studio, study & office.
Got to keep moving.
It is tough to hit a moving target.