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18 Sep 2015

It’s over. North Texas ‘Giving Day’ is safely behind us for another 364.5 days.

Today, Class, is another very important day to observe. This day will be UNIQUE for each & every individual & that means YOU.

Today, for moi, 18th September, is my Concepcion day (observed). Why (observed) you ax ?

Well, because in the Grand Scheme of life the probability of it all being exact is slim.

But since it is a random, floating & unique Holiday, it matters not. You get one, anytime, so use it accordingly. Certainly falling on a Friday doesn't hurt. It IS Friday, yes?

I noticed some weird emotional anomilies leading up to the date that I won’t go into. My biorhythm book loaned to Misty Bay over two (2) years ago now has not been returned and not totally surprised by that. I assumed as much when I loaned it. It was a cheap little paperback I bought a long time ago to study such things as life's cycles. I am here to tell you running away from THAT one was a stroke of luck. Nothing worse than a crazy hillbilly with an education so they can THINK they are so uppity.

Long gone & forgotten.

Elsewhere, I see the rest of the world is catching up on the Muslim invasion of Europe. O’Rielly had a piece forwarded to yours truly by Yt from Ca. Another received from Yt this morning asking the rhetorical question why aren’t more countries like Saudi Arabia, Doha & Qatar offering to take in any of their Islamic brothers from ‘war torn’ Syria ? This ‘war torn’ me thinks is muslim on muslim … (?).

Listen, I have my OWN set of problems believe it or not.

Speaking of brothers, my own brother will be journeying to the cloud next week for a weekend retreat. Much to do & some flex plans in place with the Great State Fair of Texas, Oktoberfest in McK, and where to stop. This the season here now for doing cool things outdoors. Except swimming. The water in the cement pond has chilled to nearly unbearable. Barely. In the heat of the afternoon, the shock of a cold plunge is most refreshing & welcome and sometimes once acclimates faster than other times. It won't be long before no way for a fast dip & a lap.

I have $75 in gift coupons from local Macy’s that expire Tuesday. I was looking for a certain, specific type of dinner plate & nada. Can’t even order such a thing. Pissed me off. MUST USE or lose. Hijo di puta.

Trip there today likely.

Must, MUst MUST start getting the place ship-shape & in order. I must admit living by oneself with few visitors or callers I do let the housekeeping slide or slip a bit. Now is the time to get after it. Can’t have my brother going home & telling my Mother ‘Bill lives in a pig pen …’.

There are artistic projects to get after. Right now I am most keenly wanting to texture chest or breast feathers of a mallard drake. I figure of all the ducks & decoys I do or have done, a mallard is the most likely to sell at the Holiday Boutique 7 November.

The puzzle/toy designed by FBNextGen has been conceptually proven. A better base & final assembly & we can post a photo.

The kitchen cook book rack has seen rev.2. Much more robust but again needs final touch ups before a photo can be posted.

Cosmic Reef is getting oh so close. Looking for a flexible .37” edging to wrap around it as a faux frame. Proving to be a bit of a challenge. Home Depot was a bust.

Signage … 3-4 under work & progressing nicely. All very cool. Signage needs the most photos & visuals to impress & stimulate potential clients imagination. One new idea hasn’t even been STARTED yet.

I got to go.

I am thinking you get the idea. This little exercise has served its purpose once again this day.

Have a great weekend. Tune in Monday to see the hit rate & how successful I was attacking this ‘to-do’ list.

aloha Fans.

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