Tuesday 29 Sep 2015
So how long has it been anyway ?
It is late, Tuesday night, no visitors & things back to ‘normal’. Busy day, busy weekend & all I can do is a quick recapitulation.
Last night, Son One was here for supper as was brother Bo & Patty. At one point, S1 had his nose in the computer playing fantasy football, isolated. Bo was slumbering or snoozing watching How things were made marathon. They don’t get Discovery channnel as part of his basic cable package back east. Patty was absorbed with here hand-held device giggling & chuckling at facebook or some such nonsense. I am thinking to self, this is nearly being alone.
I kicked myself later this afternoon for not talking business with my brother & S1. There is some potential for them to ride my coattails to Fame & certain Wealth.
So we went to the McKinney Oktoberfest each day of the weekend. Or I dis anyway. Friday earlier be
fore making the DFW dash & nearly being late to pick up the package as I was just getting revved up when BAM. Had to bolt.
Saturday was a madhouse of mostly orderly drunken people. Sunday mas much better with a smaller crowd but the end rapidly approached & it was over.
Patty was in Austin for a folk music festival and stopped around to have dinner Monday evening.
This morning again the DFW dash, early edition, & then after a good bike ride, worked on projects ALL DAY. Signage looking good but taking so long to complete. I should finish tomorrow with some luck. However I need to get the brochure going. Friday at Oktoberfest I toured a small gallery on the square & found some artists’ brochures for some good ideas to incorporate.
Then I can move on to duck decoys, carving & painting, shorebirds again carving & painting and all the rest.

So there you have it. Sunday night we watched the ‘blood moon’ & eclipse. Monday me, S1 & Bo went to the State Fair. Highlight was witnessing a woman fall down while trying to sit at a picnic table. Her head hit the cement like a coconut. Police, EMT’s & gawkers all gathered.
Red Sox beat Yankees 10-4 to stall NY clinching a wild card playoff spot. Good to see the Sox win but their season was over a LONG time ago.
Expecting any day now to hear that Emma has landed safely back in Oz. OR … decided to remain in Lubbock.
This is Bill, nodding out Tuesday night.