Thursday Ocho Octo 2015
Another big day at the cloud yesterday for I completed a major project which just happens to be todays image. The cosmic reef, no caps …
No apologies for image quality. It was the phone-cam and besides, the piece MUST be seen to be fully appreciated.
The ‘white’ dot in the center of the three rings is a mirror and what is the fish doing in a star field ?
A better & more complete story will follow on the Gallery tab as time allows but as of now, let the image & a few words hold interest UNLESS or until you can cough up $5-600 to keep this masterpiece OFF the open market and off the wall in the Island guest room.
That’s the I'll part with it price at this moment in time but I fully expect that number to climb expecially after my passing. Golden opportunity. Remember to support LIVING artists as dead ones really don’t need it.
Patty came over last night for a great supper. Being Wednesday, the fish was cod superbly froached (new word courtesy Guillermo’s cocina = fried + poached) in a small spoon of bacon fat & milk. A low-cal potato salad with ever-so finely chopped red & white onion, fresh chives, garlic & rosemary and a baby spinach salad tossed with quecumber, red onions & a melody of olives & cheeses from the olive bar at Kaye Roger’s.
So much to do once again today. Having a small degree of difficulty keeping focused here now.
Also completed a couple of little crosses yesterday. I am thinking more bigger efforts on shorebirds & decoys now that signage, some crosses & cosmic reef are done. Must have variety & balance at the show.
There is kitchen work to do as well. Things are shaping up for sauerkraut. Bought a pretty large box of pickling salt yesterday. Also, I am going to attempt pickling a mix of vegetables Italian style. Starting with larger chunks of cauliflower to include peppers, onions, carrot slices & whatever else is reasonable & in season. Should be interesting.
Received first draft of the brochure from the printer yesterday. For unknown technical reasons, one pdf.file would not print. So that torch needs to be picked up today & run with. My expectations were way too high so once tempered I realised that the project is STARTED & now ready for the first significant then minor changes. I fully expect a trip out to the printer this morning for layout & design meeting & discussions.
I guess that’s it. I feel ‘warmed up’ mentally and ready to get after the list of things to ACCOMPLISH. The ‘to-do’ list is NOT ‘doable’.
DOH !!