Monday Twelve October 2015
Star date: Monday. Enough said. Another weekend in the books & a good one it was.
I co
uld go off & jump on the popular bandwagon & observe Columbus Day, goofing off all day like a Federal employee but nope. Not a big fan of Ohio myself and from watching the History Channel there are many programs rewritting history so on the evolving calendar according to Bill, here is the change to this particular holiday.
No image of the city of Columbus skyline HOWEVER here, now we will stick with Chris Columbus. He might have stumbled upon the ‘New World’ but rumor now says he was ‘lost’ & ended up in Jamaica or some such other place. We’re going to honor this ?
I am proposing here going forward on my calendar that the second (2nd) Monday in October will be declared Explorer’s Day.
Columbus will be discussed but other significant discoverers will be elevated recognizing their status. We should not forget Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan or Amerigo Vespucci. Captain John Cook even. Finally, strength & evidence are building that Vikings were here first.
Anyway, moving along …
I fully realize I missed a numerically significant day over the weekend that being 10-10-15 but I could not stop the train and bring things to a halt for the Nation and all you fine dedicated Fan/citizens. I had MOMENTUM going on.
Patty had a major league change of plans at the last minute so we hit scramble mode. She was scheduled to leave work early Friday (& get out of town) which she did anyway so we took the first opportunity & played golf.
If it sounds good now, not so much DURING the time.
We started at the range & found ourselves warming up straight into about a 30-35 mph wind. Not gusts but steady. This is a BRUTAL wind for the record & those unknowing of such a thing. But we finished the small bucket & proceeded to the first hole where I promptly hit two (2) into the water. Again, right into the teeth of the wind.
I would have given nearly anything to be ANYWHERE else doing ANYTHING else at that particular moment in time however Patty was having a blast & in an otherwise fine mood so we pressed on.
In fairness to myself, it did get a little better as I didn’t lose anymore balls but the physical pains certainly did not contribute to the enjoyment. My left shoulder and back both were aggravating and I realized that I had not maintained the advil regimen so I was just axing for trouble.
After finishing, as we were near Ranch 99, the HUGE Chinese supermarket so we bought a fresh ocean perch, aka rockfish, for supper which provides todays image. Ocean perch is apparently more ‘trendy’ than rockfish but that’s what we bought it as so sticking with that moniker. After getting home, I realized why the price was low. The fish was neither scaled, skinned nor gutted which I was able to do with ease because I AM a guy afterall. I WILL be more vigilant NEXT time. Lesson learned thank you very much.
From Ranch 99, we made a quick stop at the Indian market. I needed carraway seeds for making the sauerkraut and Patty bought some excellent garlic naan among other items to try.
Early Saturday our first stop was NY6 bead store. Patty selected a colorful assortment of items for a birthday gift for her Boss. Jewelry by Bill went into full live-action mode in the afternoon.
Later on Saturday we made the sauerkraut which turned out to be wicked easy. In 3-10 days the world should hear that it is wicked good. Simple recipe, simple process, few ingredients & Fans, IDIOT-proof.
Mass at 5:00 pm Saturday.
Sunday morning we made Italiano pickled vegetables called giardiniera (jar-DUH-nair-e-a) which also turned out to be fairly simple. I am very optimistic with the first attempted batch however this little experiment will take 2-3 WEEKS before a test can be made for results. Dates for sauerkraut, mustard & giardiniera are all marked on the calendar so we are in the WAIT mode watching for disasters. Patiently.
Received second draft of the brochure from the printer late Friday. Still a work in process but now with a little better layout. This project is getting closer and progress can be documented.
During all this, breaks were taken for short sessions in the garage studio. Decoys mostly. Shorebirds & crosses also having time spent on them. Starting at 10:00 am there was the weekly ritual of Forest & the futuristic music show. Two (2) hours of techno/retro recorded music that at times I swear sounds like the sound track for an Indian porn movie. Lots of bongo-type drums, sitar & the weirdest of wailings you ever heard.
So that about gets you up to the minute. Morning bevy is iced tea, the Estate blend of mint, sumac berries & jamica blossoms with agave nectar this time for sweetness perfection.
Pressing on this day, forging ahead into the new week, this is Bill saying sayonara.
PS: More image issues I can't sort out right now. Ed