Eighteen 10 15
Monthly observance of Concepcion day. We may not have the material, time or ambition to post this day but tomorrow (Monday) for sure.
Early Monday morning now Fans, the sun is rising at the ususal pace and it is chilly enough to have a HOT cup of the estate mint medley for the second time in as many days. I mean I could have done iced but the hoodie is strictly a luxurious comfort, not a necessity as it will in a few months, maybe weeks.
Over the weekend, Son One came over to watch the Stars v Panthers. Two Czech stars at opposite ends of their careers one for the Stars, a young rookie, and the old ‘ageless’ veteran for Fla. We were trying to decide between our standbys of wings or pizza for such an event but I had brats & buns in the freezer so they thawed quickly & a beer boil with Bill’s sauerkraut & mustard was over the top wunderbar.
Patty was up north camping which is OK. Shots & quarantine not as extensive as when she travels to Ark like last time.

I played golf Saturday so I was up early & out of here like a shot. Not a problem EVER getting up & out to play. It was a tournament, a scramble which is just about enough for me to handle these days. I used to dread them and decline playing but now I see them as ‘forgiving’ events that are fun to kabitz & cut-up with the other players mostly in the group.
BD was designated leader, point of the spear & ring master. Retired fully, enjoying life and fun to be around. Randy was another colleague/co-worker and we three played on the same league team a few years back. Our fourth was Dang Know. Dang started out strong but got tired I think. A few times I found myself saying dang Dang, you can do better than that. We finished dead last but had fun. It seems like we played better than that but the greens were incredibly quick and extremely difficult to read. We finished even par (72) and a lowlight was on one hole we all missed a 1 m (3-footer) for a birdie. We started with two (2) bogies early on and our birdies were longish putts one holed by Randy & a longer one (MUCH longer) by your correspondent. As always it was a huge thrill feeling the good solid stroke then watching the dimpled spheroid roll slowly, turn, lose speed, curl and finally drop into the cup. FINALLY I was thinking.
Hit some good shots and a few great ones. No real flubs which truthfully I was waiting for to happen but didn’t.
I was chatting with BD on the range warming up and catching up. He told me he was getting up in the night and having trouble getting back to sleep. Sounded familiar so I shared some knowledge at no charge. I stated just last night in fact when I awoke under similar conditions and that I have a prayer list I go thru and if I don’t drift off with that exercise, I start hitting practice shots imagining the stance, grip & feel of hitting the perfect shot. I mean let your mind run wild with it. Non-golfers might see an analogy with counting sheep. I read a book & actually did a book report on this subconscious learning & muscle memory in high school when I was playing on the golf team.
I was pleased on two fronts. I did fall back to sleep with pleasant thoughts and most & best, I didn’t miss a shot all day. Not every shot was perfect but no real clunkers. I also did a little experiment with controlled breathing. Much like squeezing the trigger firing a gun. Get all set, relax, take a short half-breath & go. Sometimes the golf swing is like landing an airplane, a CONTROLLED crash.
Also, I have been noticing monarch butterflies the past week on their annual migration. While on a bike ride, one seemed to be hovering off my left shoulder following along. Throughout the day I noticed them. This is good news because I read somewhere there numbers were down. Maybe they are making a comeback, perhaps the conditions are most favorable for breeding hence the big increase in numbers. Hence todays image if the gods are willing & the file extension doesn’t truncate. (not so lucky. Same problem with images. Imagine image of a monarch. YOU CAN DO IT !)
That’s enough.
First cup of tea is done and must return to the little tea pot before that too gets cold.
Projects galore today. Making great progress on carvings. Final texturing & details on 5 or 6 then on to painting 10-12 others. On schedule. The brochure should have a final proof today.