26 O 15
Monday morning QB-ing Fans. Yesterday was numerical pattern once again with 10/25/15 which is getting old to me. I was thinking about the calendar, specifically the months, and made some progress. Details will be disclosed in time when stars align & the vast majority is ready for such a change.
Great weekend once again. Got noticeable progress on decoys. I should be painting at LEAST one this week. The killdeer IS in paint but not completed. Possibly today. This little carving is going to be the donated item for the silent auction. The paint job so far is smashingly real I think.
A lot but I don’t have time for full disclosure.
Today I must vote, get Silver inspected & registered and of course work on show projects. I need to speak with Walt about engineering issues which will very likely involve calls to the gas company and the manufacturer of the spa heater. I MUST make the correct decision here or be out mucho dinero.
Cannot share events from Mass Sunday morning, nor high-jinx with Patty Sunday, or even talk about the weather report. It is cloudy this morning, 12 C and rain did not develop at all yesteday as predicted.

Todays image is or are Crosses by Bill. I cobbed up the display for the show & the crosses are the tiny revenue generators. The plan is to sell enough of them to pay for the booth if I do not hit a home run with a major piece such as a decoy, sign or painting.
Different variations of the small, repurposed, wooden crosses with plenty of blanks for ‘special’ order requests. I finished the three (3) layered wood, white & red version yesterday. I showed S1 & he got the ‘blood’ symbolism right away. (third from the right in picture)
I drafted a Price List & Order Form as well over the weekend. They came together during or rather just before that quiet time before Mass.
Maybe I’ll fill this up later but for now I need to sign off & dash.