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Eleven to 2O15

Yao-Zah. Where has the time gone & what time is it ? I am beginning to see that time IS the problem.

So first check of my wrist-held time tracking device informed me it was 5:23 am. I tried but was unsuccessful falling back to sleep so I got up after 15-20 minutes. It is still dark, very foggy and the dumb-ass phone informs me that a ‘dense fog’ alert is in effect. Well now that’s handy. BFD. Glad I don’t HAVE to drive. Far or AT ALL.

I see it has been a few days since a report and as you well know by now I could go into the minute details of each day in between & spin them up into Cat7 hurricanes, storms or even tropical depressions. But I won’t today. Too much to do.

Estate mint melody tea is on final brew. A lone bird is a star singing solo outside as I gather some fresh mint and the morning quiet is most welcome. The day will burst forth shortly.

So it’s a new month, a new week and the show is counting down THIS weekend.


Fine. I over-planned but that’s OK. I realized I cannot get every project completed however a very large representative sampling IS done PLUS marketing & branding material is also strategically completed for future business & consideration. The brochure is in hand and new business cards s/b ready for p/u later today.

Also today, carving three (3) mallard heads to completion so as I can paint them tomorrow real quick. Mount them on a weathered wooden fence picket for to take orders for coat racks.

Then followed by painting. LOTS of painting. Five (5) full bodied decoys & I’ll take some older ones I have grown weary of. LOTS of shorebirds. I completed a number of shorebird bases over the weekend.

There is company coming this weekend. A friend of Va is coming to town & they have the entire castle booked including meals the full gourmet menu. A portion of the passed weekend, Sunday specifically, was spent playing musical furniture, cleaning & other forms of ‘making ready.’

Next Sunday, after the show & company departs, yours truly heads to Ft Worth for the annual Colonial Volunteers outing. Then rest for a while. But not long.

So the end is near however the FOLLOWING week & w/e the show hits the road to Houston where McKinney’s funnest couple will be playing golf with a friend of Patty’s after a quick touch base with FB, S2 & NextGenFB. Cutesy pix of her trick & treating. (x 100). The best is todays image. KEEP GOING ...

What else ?

From the sports world, yawns galore. KC embarrasses the Mets to win World Series. (yawn). Giants fall to NOSaints in a score that resembles a basketball game (yawn x2) again snatching defeat from the jaws of voctory. YOUR dallas cowboys 'lost a close one' which one could hear about all week FI so inclined. Some will. (yawn x106). Stars win in an afternoon tilt that I COULD HAVE watched but for some reason I be thinking it was a Saturday NIGHT game. (zzzzzz)

Halloween was lame. Patty came over & we had a costume party. The doorbell rang three times (3x). When the first thuggies showed up, the outside lights went out. A TON (metric) went UNdistributed so I put it away & came up with a Plan/program where I can have one (1) piece per day. Til NEXT Halloween.

I also applied for four (4) jobs all promising I think. Time will tell.

Time again.

Time’s up. Time to dash. Time out. Time well spent.

Time to move on …

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