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Eleven six 2O15

Friday at last.

Later this afternoon, registration & first set ups for The Show.

If you have been following along, we are at the eve of zero hour. Not much time as usual as I am behind schedule slightly & there are more things to complete. I have to think logically & use all of my time management & decision making skill & tools.

For example, see todays image. All the shore birds that were started and planned are completed.

This took an extra day due to painting time demands. Were it not for the tablet & being able to see many, many photos for color references, I would be insane, nuts or a TOTAL train wreck.

But I am not.

Shorebird line-up. All plovers … snowy, hooded, Egyptian, Ringed & double-banded.

I will post an indiviual photo and short paragraph of each under the Gallery tab. The Gallery is getting quite large which is a good thing.

Being prolific means there are more opportunities for a sale.

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