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23 November 2015

YO Fans. A Monday. Cold, clear & sunny and I found myself with a block of free time. Perfect for the two (2) P’s … planning & procrastination.


Certainly. Recall from our last episode, Silver was going lame manifested by the two (2) idiot lights demanding & requiring attention. So assuming I could just take it over first thing this morning, I called the vet first (dealarship) and much to my surprise they were booked today & tomorrow. So I made an appointment for Wednesday AM.

Hence the free time.

So, I had a nice thermal mug/cup of hot estate tea made for the trip AND the wait so I am set up in the office, blind open watching the Walking Dead shuffle off to get THEIR piece of the American pie from my corner office window.

I have some very good news to report and as always the dull & boring, germane & mundane.

O’er the weekend, while wasting idle time with the computer on, I happened across what we call in the pundit business ‘material’ which is RICH for yours truly. So I began thinking & brainstorming with self that this is great material for not ONE blog entry, but MULTIPLE reports & entries.

Truly exciting.

So much so that I am working details on a new gig.


OK. I see we have at least one (1) reader that is a non-believer or a skeptic.

I am playing with an idea for a venture retiree motivational speaker and taking the show on the road. With boomers (NOT as in OK sooners) reaching The Age & finding themselves ‘lost’, I can help them. Of course out of the goodness of my heart. NOT.

I figure start out $5-10 K per show. Going to start by bouncing the idea off my ‘Retirement Specialist’ & financial planner(s) for an outing/event. A humorous .ppt for an hour … COMMON, a chimp could do that.

On top of all this, we are looking at a short week with the Thanksgiving Holiday and plans there will impede the likelihood and probability of any entry for a few days.

Taking advantage of the new-found time, here it is.

I have much to do today none of which is really critically dependent on Silver. I mean I could walk to K-Roget & hand-carry a 9-10 kg turkey (20-24 lb) home. But I could make one loop, commando shopping raid, and get it all with one swoop if I do it right which of course I will.

I also need to make decisions about the remaining Holiday art shows this season. There is one at a local McKinney craft brewery Saturday 5 December. One at Saint Michael’s 12 & 13 December. Two days here might be a stretch so I need to make a call when their office opens.

I have a couple of cool ideas for signage for the 12/5 show I CANNOT wait to get started on.

So as you can now clearly see, the schedule is packed, time is precious so let’s sum up today & what we learned shall we?

Take the opportunity when it PRESENTS itself. Seize it.

If you don’t have a plan, make a quick, a small, short one for starters is better than no plan.

If you DO have a plan & it EXPLODES, fallback & retool with a back-up Plan for the short term that FITS the longer term plan.

DO NOT get caught with your Plans down, WORK WITH ME !!

DON’T be WITHOUT a plan. How will you ever know where you are going without a plan plus how will you know WHEN you get there ? THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE !!

Class dismissed.

Have a great Holiday Fans. Rest assured that Thanksgiving WILL REMAIN on the new, revised & improved calendar according to Bill. Next entry as is the tradition will highlight the menu A-listers will be enjoying here at the cloud on the Hill. Maybe even photos. (!)

Now there’s a reason to check back …

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