XXX.4 December 2015
Yesterday, after I divorced, retired, separated & logged off from this confounded machine, some events occurred that sent me up to & over the flashpoint. I am here to tell you what they are, and why I am fully convinced the internet, social media, society & maybe even mankind in the broadest sense is so skrewed up. IOW … doomed.
That’s right. DOOMED.
I had just posted triple x dot three and glanced at the yahoo headlines for to see what is happening in the world like I care while white noising with local NPR. I had turned the radio off twice before because of stories I just did not want to hear about or listen to. I hear ‘keywords’ like transgender, gay, race, rights and that’s air quote enough.
Now I get Freedom of speech but show me or tell me where is says I have to listen to the whiney crap in my house of all places. I THINK that is a freedom as well so I fully intend to EXERCISE that FREEDOM. I think it is Freedom of CHOICE maybe? Perhaps.
Call YOUR therapist for a second opinion. Feel free. Pro bono.
Anyway, so I am scrolling down just the headlines only. You know, that LONG list of stories it takes way, way too long to get to the end? Sprinkled, NO, PEPPERED with ‘Sponsored’ or ‘ads’.
I heard a piece on local NPR that those headlines are being studied (read ‘monitored’) for how people (me AND you) respond to those headlines. This isn’t that bad but then those people studying how those headlines are written (think ‘Big Brother) and then alter & modify those headlines to get YOU (me & us included) to alter, modify or otherwise DIRECT our behavior pattern to where THEY want it to go, Houston I have a problem.
This is INSIDIOUS and makes me really angry.
The other night, Patty & I watched this movie. A gory tale of twisted people living in a very remote region of Tasmania. A team of idealistic adventurers set out to find a missing sister lost in the region doing research on the possibly extinct Tasmanian devil. Cannabilism is involved and I will stop here as it was very tastefully done & I don’t want to spoil the ending should you rent ‘Dying Breed’.
Oh, so sorry for that dreadful pun. Not intended but it works.
We are watching the credits slowly roll thru & I see a barely perceptable image flash up and quickly disappear.
‘Did you see that?’ I axed Patty.
It being a dvd, I reversed & replayed stopping carefully until I found the exact frame & sure enough there WAS an image. A very bloody, gory & disgusting image.
I was hoping you wouldn’t ax. Anybody else want to hear about it ?
The image as best I can describe it, is a little pie. Think chicken pot pie here. Other places like across the pond they are called sheppard’s pie or some such. Maybe a meat pie. IDK.
This pie image has a break or a bite taken out of it and of course blood is running out and there spilled out is an intact eyeball amongst the running blood (think ‘gravy’).
But before you hurl, it is NOT A REAL EYEBALL nor is it REAL BLOOD.
It is a carefully constructed IMAGE to elicit a response.
But my question is why is it there? Why in the credits ?
The producers (when editing) can certainly control exactly where, when & how long this subliminal image flashes on the screen.
If they cleverly make it just visible in the credits, what makes you (me) think that MAYBE such images are randomly OR cleverly interspersed THROUGHOUT the movie and you CANNOT perceive them?
Then what happens ?
I see I am about out of time for today.
The sun has popped over the horizon and it is time to shut down, have the second cup of coffee and commense with the cleaning for guests. I can see little NGFB striding in and doing a white glove test later today.
FINALLY, yesterday I mentioned the passing of Dave Henderson. Scrolling down the yahoo headlines, I saw THAT story (or similar to) FIVE (5) times. And mentioned in a sixth (6th). And BTW none of which was written as well or comprehensively as you were privvy to read HERE FIRST. Yesterday.
Thank you, Thank you very much.