Jan 2016: Last
So you don’t like today’s engaging title ? It won out over 1:30 … ALL Day. But it seems I used that one within recent memory and LAST tips off readership to ‘no entry tomorrow’.
Today is a rare Saturday dispatch and I am having a procrastination attack. I am in a very much ‘creative’ mode after wrestling with a little setback of melancholia yesterday. The spark or RECOVERY ignited with a late pm phone call, calls actually, turned things around.
Listen. No more questions. I am pressed for time.
I dismissed trips out for shopping yesterday and went for a nice reflective walk. Totally measured at 20 minutes out & 20 back. Sunshine, a bit too much breeze for a bike ride but that’s OK. Forecast is for warmer today with less wind.
But I am still pumped about waning creative. Todays image is most recent completion.
I am pleased to announce I have the faux Mondrian process NAILED. This one took 2-6 hours but I am very confident that with a scheduled delivery promised today ‘by 8 pm’ by my ‘friends at Amazon, the time expenditure WILL BE in the 2-3 hour range. This one uses an original from the Kimbell photographed on the last trip with Martha to Ft Worth.
The twelve (12) step process will become three (3). Looking at 2-3 bills per painting. I should have 3-4 ready by the next art show at Tupps in two weeks.
Also yesterday, significant progress made on the next major project. Cosmos: the solar system according to Bill, saw pieces gathered & assembled in one place. Still needing a few more pieces but very exciting. HINT: You will recognize the solar system. Nothing too drastic like the calendar.
I mean come on ! It’s the solar system. How many liberties can one take?
I recently purchased a tremdous labor saving device for tropical fish. Curved tips for the wood burning tool allow scaling much faster & cleaner. I mean I finished one fish COMPLETELY with scales in one-half a night. (!) AND did not break a tool tip.
So delighted I was that I began online research for new species to paint. There are some rare butterfly & angel fish that are obviously uncommon and just spectacular. Kind of like the white macaw from the last report.
The peppermint angelfish will be just stunning.
What did I say about interrupting today?
Google it on your time. I am on a schedule & a mission this day.
I guess that’s it.
NHL Skills on telly today & the ‘games; tomorrow. Plural because a new format. Event is in Nashville & I think if I were working, it would have been a great road trip. Nashville is very cool.
Mass at 5:00. Saint Michaels for a while. The difficulty understanding the new priest at St Gabes make the extra travel distance acceptable.
Must dash.
See you in Feb
Next time.