18 Feb Recap & Forecast
To follow is the recapitulation of the journey, the search for tropical fish knowledge, whuzz up ahead and the weekend outlook. Today is a catch up, catch-up or ketchup day here at the cloud. Last report on Ides of Feb, three (3) days ago, saw much water pass under the bridge if one stops, sits (or stands for seldom does one find a bench or place to sit on a bridge) AND, most important PONDER.
Up earlier than normal but only slightly. I MUST make an appointment with Leon to pick up a frame I intend to use as a model for my new mirror frame so pressed for time.
After the stop at Leon’s, take the weathered boards to Cal’s for a working visit and cutting them to very specific lengths then home to assemble now TWO (2) projects. I am looking at the mirror frame and a small round table top to sit atop one of the studio stools my brother is now famous for. Then I can work on these or other projects. I am needing services of a nail gun. I have one lined up as a rental at Home Depot after Leon could not justify buying one either. Cal may have a small one he would allow me to borrow.
I was astounded with a short piece on the radio just this morning. It seems 18 Feb, This Day in History, Mark Twain first published The Adventures of Huck Finn. The planet Pluto was discovered in 1930 & now debate ‘rages’ if it is a ‘planet’ or not. MY sculpture & rendition of the solar system will show it as a planet which I will explain fully in the bio.
Sharing my birth day number (18) which as WE ALL know has numerical significance and should not be ignored totally Cybil Sheppard, John Revolta, Enzo Ferrari AND Vanna White. Michelanglelo died in 1564.
One of the absolute benefits of having sufficient time for oneself to oneself gives one ample opportunities to PONDER.
For those of you less fortunate, think News Years resolutions but making them ANY day, or EVERY day. It is marvy.
Since purchasing the new woodburning tool tips for (fish) scales, I do believe I have looked at and begun working on all & every tropical fish pattern cutout in the shop. The new tools really, REALLY speed up the detail process and make the piece look so much more realistic. As you may be able to tell I am excited & quite pumped (or as kids are likely to say these days STOKED) to work of tropical fish.
As you recall I have been doing some research on rare & uncommon tropical fish more specifically angelfish & butterfly fish. I became fascinated at an article spotted on line for a peppermint angelfish, very rare, selling for $30 K. That’s a dollar sign, 3 followed by four (4) zeros. $30,000. For seven (7) cm of fish. Less than one (1) kg.
After a number of phone calls & bouncing emails, I had an appointment with a SME (subject matter expert) at DWA (Dallas World Aquarium). Which BTW is a fabulous place.
I caught the train (OK, ‘light rail’ as the locals are very fond of calling it). I don’t get it really. Light rail something akin to light beer (?). How about I call it ‘human trafficking’ or public tranny (for transportation). Moron. Always a colorful & interesting cast of characters on the train.
Paulina was busy with a guest visiting from Calif (not to be confused with caliph) when I arrived and we eventually met up inside for the brief sitdown Q & A. Gracious & EXTREMELY knowledgeable, she informed me that a peppermint angelfish can now be purchased for $20 K so something is going on with them in the market. DWA does not have one.

My quest for a pattern of Paracentropyge boylei took us to a tank with a spectacled angelfish, much larger but Paulina wanted to show me how the body ‘blended into’ the dorsal fin and anal fin. And the tail was slightly narrower at the base & I made some mark ups on a small line drawing I brought for just such an event. The face/front or nose was like another fish.
Not sure what this pair is up to, it could be suspicious but they may or may not be a mating pair. They could be just friends, hanging out in deep water on the reef.
Then she recalled Ayden, the resident artist, MIGHT have a line drawing of the spectacled angelfish that all I would have to do is reduce to 7 cm & I would be there. (!!)
SPLENDID !! Mission nearly accomplished.
Ayden was officed in a cramped little cubby hole of a stacked room with a window right off the street. An elderly lady, but VERY sharp, she had everything there within easy arms reach & she pulled out a number of drawings, sketches & even booklets she had done for DWA. She was well-travelled having lived in New Zealand for a few months short of a year. Loved it there she said.
So I got a working pattern and made some outstanding contacts. I sent a long-hand Thank you note and a card in appreciation. A very cool day.
The train trip home was eventful. I was really glad I packed a small lunch for a grab & go. Leftover cornish game hen fajita, an apple & some water I think saved my life. The taco shell itself had firmed up considerably and had the consistancy & taste somewhere between cardboard & sole of shoe. But the sauteed cabbage, onions & fowl seemed to have gotten better in the foil and overall I was satisfied, pleased & thankful that I did not have to take nourishment off of the local economy.
Once the train left the station, a very loud voice was heard from the car behind. I am thinking great. A kook with a knife or a gun about to go off. I waited patiently for him to come forward & sit next to me. I prayed as I waited.
I actually finished a project yesterday after returning home and put the cranberry wicker table in place. It looks great with the glass shelves, doily & Maker’s Mark lamp on it next to the wall in the bedroom morning office/work area.
I had SO MUCH to do that on Wednesday I set my timer of my watch for one (1) hour and I did domestic work until it went off and then did project work. I made a better semblance of order in cupboards moving glasses, plates, bowls and such things.
Then on to the ‘solar system according to Bill.’ Spent time working of the rings of Saturn & Uranus (or Neptune ?). I need to obtain a little glitter for the belt of asteroids … FB should have some so I don’t have to make an actual buy.
I reread the introduction of the pattern book I had and saw a short paragraph that the author had 43 other fish patterns that could be obtained by mailing him directly at the address listed. The book was published in 1994 and I was thinking he might have moved or even died in twenty years.
Googling his name, I actually found his website with something unheard of, a phone number. So I called it and Anthony Hillman answered the phone !!
Long story shortened, we had a great chat & he is going to do me a pattern of Paracentropyge boylei just like in the book for $20. The length, eye color … perfect. I am thinking WOW !!
When I get it, make copies & get the pattern to my brother for cut outs and go to it. Total excitement.
Til next time … this is a long one. Almost 1300 words.
I am one lucky camper.