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22 February 2016

Happy Birthday Mr Washington.

NOT Booker T, but former President George. Before lumping all Presidents birthdays into one (1) ‘holiday’ calling it now ‘Presidents day’, this DAY was OFFICIALLY recognized as Washington’s birthday. The 12th was Lincoln’s birthday. Abe, NOT Andrew, whose REAL name is James by the way.

Explain to me how is it MLK gets his own day, he wasn’t a president, and ALL the Presidents are trivialized lumped together. Because he had a dream ?

Some obviously were better than others. Millard Fillmore & James Polk will need to be researched for significant achievements.

Am I ramped up ? You bet but just for a short time as this day is being focused on my tax obligation such as it is. I now have all the data and NO EXCUSES. So what happens ? An ADD or ADHD attack or some such nonsense. Oh, almost forgot. I might need to call a therapist for confirmation on the MPS or MPD diagnosis.


Male Procrastination Syndrome or Disorder. Pick one. Acute, not chronic.

Check this from a low-value email received just this morning … FRESH proof as to a slow news day.

  • A fry pan that teaches cooking: Cooking will not become a lost art if a couple of hungry and cooking-challenged college students are successful. They’ve developed a smart frying pan. The pan transmits temperature data to the cook using a smartphone app that also lets the cook know when it’s time for the next step in a recipe.

I beg two questions. When will this nonsense camoflaged as ‘progress’ cease and when will it stop being reported as ‘news’ or even significant ?

I am thinking it is another sign how lassitude is becoming an epidemic. I was talking to Patty & we had a nice discussion (aka NOT overly spirited) on how much people that do NOT cook miss. Too busy is a lame excuse to the point of neglect, denial or being comotose. I mean if one cannot take timeout to FEED themselves, should they be even along for the ride?

Emma, Patty, Martha, somebody, ANYBODY please tell me what I am missing here. Therapists need not reply. It would be better that amateurs offer such advice so no ‘feelings’ are hurt when such advice is not incorporated.

Another one ... The future of self-driving cars, another blistering testimony to the limits of stupidity, lunacy or idiocrity.

One question here … why? From the NPR story … ‘I rode in one (self-driving car) & saw the future…’ IDIOT ALERT.

I have got to find my blood pressure meds & soon. It (BP) is getting out of the ‘cool zone.’

I spoke to FB over the w/e but so briefly it didn’t really count. Apparently she sat on something.

‘Thanks for calling.’

Happy Birthday George.

No worries.

Washington's birthday will remain in the new calendar by George.

No official business transacted. Mail delievery optional.

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