23 February 2016 A Tuesday
It rained heavily & steadily overnight. It stopped, the power went out, came back on and it is raining once again early this morning. Forecast is for continued rain for most of the day.
Not sure of an image, purpose or plan for this day. I see little to no significance to the numerology.
Here is a thought-provoking link with brief commentary.
Massachusetts plans rattlesnake colony on uninhabited island.
To my thinking, this is absolute LUNACY. If one sub-species of a venonous snake goes extinct, oh well. Will the sun not rise tomorrow ?
Species of high value are endangered & aided from extinction quite often but this effort at taxpayers expense if just plain nuts.
First of all, as the article points out, snakes can swim AND there is a narrow causeway for a land-link for those snakes afraid of the water, reluctant to swim or cannot swim.
Good to know this is an ‘indigenous’ species to Massechusets. As one commenter so wisely stated, why not introduce them to Washington, DC. I see two (2) huge benefits with that location. Perhaps more.
First, one MIGHT strike & bite a politician. The snakes would intermingle & pollinate with their own kind. Introduced snakes could also thin the herd of local population.
This is absurd.
I think I shall have a brief nap now.
Just ahead, inane & ludicrous rehash of the news from the least invasive media of reluctant choice, the radio. I shall listen to local NPR at least or until a story moves me to simply turn it off in boredom, disgust, anger or frustration.
And finally, forget about the internet. I am recalling & refering to the book by Andrew Keen. The vehicle or media is so far removed from what it was intended & designed for tht it is all but useless.
Sure, you can still search & research for ‘useful’ information but the advertisements, junk & smut have taken over. Things have slowed to a crawl and popups TNTC and most annoying.
I just ran out of patience going thru ’23 Celebs you didn’t know were muslims’. Lead photo was Paris Hilton to get one drawn in. Seems she ‘converted’ while in ‘rehab.’ Another, FYI, Lindsey Lohan. Dr Oz shock of shockers. A bunch of ‘wrappers’ listed. Truly eye-opening. There were only 22 for the record as the last slide was pure advertisement. A complete & total waste of time.
Flash flood warnings in effect for low-lying areas.