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Ate (8) March 2016

This is Bill & I am out on travel today and can’t take your … ‘Hello, this is Bill.’

I was on my way to a party in Houston when weather conditions and traffic became way too dangerous & I turned around. I should be arriving there about now but I am resting, dry & safe, here at the cloud. In fact, the sun is shining. Go figure & just my luck.

After landing back gratefully, I set the timer on my sport utility watch for one (1) hour & did an hour of reading, one (1) hour of wood working & now another hour of ‘electronic work’ time.

That would be emails, correspondences and my patience is starting to run thin so let me get into it.

Seems like every three (3) days for an entry is now getting to be such a chore.

So I was headed to Houston to celebrate birthday III with FBNG. It's TODAY !!

Happy Birthday Honey !!

Can't attach todays picture from her Mom so tough luck. Trust me, it was cute. Anyway ...

The initial liftoff was shaky in the heavy thunder shower and it wasn’t long into the trip that it became clear this was not going to work.

Jumping on TX-75 southbound out of McK, in the slow lane & driving rain, I quickly came upon a slower moving vehicle. Now I am going fast enough for the conditions which are wet & slow at 55 mph when I have to slow down for this car which doesn’t even have its lights on. I failed to mention with all the rain, overcast & spray visibilty is severely limited. My idiot alarm ring is going off glowing red and as I move out to the left lane to pass.

I look over & of course the windows are tinted dark but I can see thru anyway a screen glowing from a cell phone or a tablet. I wish I hadn’t seen that. But this was not be my first encounter with an idiot this day as I head to I-45 S to Houston.

There are PLENTY of certified daredevils & thrill seekers with a death wish driving like it is bone dry & mid-summer conditions.

Just before reaching downtown, I make a command decision to abort & turn the ship around.

Needless to say I was much relieved to get back to the friendly confines of the cloud.

I am stopping now as the hour is about up & I need an image.


Todays image & link are from my new acquaintance Dale.

Take a look, check out his book. Pretty cool.

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