0316/22 Tuesday
So since the last entry, we are further into Holy Week. Lent is drawing to a close and this is Tuesday of Holy Week and things are ramping up. Confessions were heard this morning & Mass was at 8:00 so one ‘flowed’ into the other. I can truly say that it feels good to confess sins and get new Penance.
The image today has a religious theme. It is a longer story, I have much to do (no big news with THAT) and I need to get after The List.
This is a progressive photo of the image I am painting of what is behind the alter at Saint Michaels chapel where daily/weekday Mass is held for some background.
I started it a couple of weeks ago and was happily thinking I was at about 80-90 % but after Mass this morning and observing the light, colors and shapes, I am lucky if it at 50%.
That said, a long, LONG way to go. The good news is I have a much better mental image to go from now AND I see areas where I can take additional artistic license to complete to my satisfaction.
I should taken a picture with the phone for reference but it has been improper & irreverent thus far at every opportunity. I will continue to seek a good & favorable opportunity to do so. The cross will become a crucifix which for me is a HUGE challenge. The human figure is just tough for my skill set & talent level at this point in time.
Today is again starting out very chilly but the sun is shining brilliantly. The wind is picking up the wicked chill & by early to late afternoon there will be wind advisories in effect. The mercury should find 20 so a reluctant bike ride into the wind is scheduled.
Here is a link to an article that is echoing my current state, condition & outlook/philosophy. That’s about it. I have been painting already this day before and now after Mass. This will likely continue off & on throughout the day.
Meeting up with S1 for dinner out & watch the Stars game. Buffalo ‘Wild’ Wings. Lots of tellys.
The list is long & crammed with to-dos before then.