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0316/28 Monday

Easter festivities are over & have ended. Back to ‘normal’. In a sense so to speak. Revving up slowly to get back in the saddle.

Son One wanted to go to Easter Mass and we made a huge mistake going to the Vigil Saturday night. While we were expecting a regular Mass, it was the extended version with candles, lots of singing & incense and it was looking like a two (2 ) hour event so after 1.5 hours we discretely slipped toward the door.

We colored a few eggs, ate some wings & watched the Stars game in the afternoon.

Today's image is a group shot of this years eggs. I must say that late Sunday I received a photo from FB and she did an outstanding job on decorating their eggs this year. In my opinion, hers are better than mine this year. Her colors were much more vivid & she obviously spent more time planning & dipping between wax applications. I was very impressed with her efforts. Next year we should get together & compare notes.

Today I worked on paintings, tropical fish, a shorebird & a blue winged teal decoy. Of special note is that I successfully inserted fins on two different species.

They were initially one piece but each had fins broken off. The flameback cherubfish had one long fin broken & I saved it but lost it before I could put it back on. The purple tang was missing both ventral fins broken off & long lost so both were happily, successfully salvaged.

I used a new tool to cut the slots, inserted & glued the fins. They look very good (to me) and I am expecting the new fins will not be noticeable to the untrained eye. I am very excited about this new skill. I have a few more fish bodies with broken & missing fins so being able to insert better replacements is HUGE.

Speaking to my Brother, the peppermint angelfish patterns should be on their way. I just know when they arrive I am going to attack one of those & work it to completion.

I got in a good bike ride today. The wind finally died down which made the ride much more enjoyable.

This is shaping up to be a busy week.

Tomorrow, Tuesday night there is a composting seminar in town. Scheduled for two (2) hours I am still on the fence about going. I mean I have a compost and know it all I think. I mean it is neither brain surgery nor rocket science.

Wednesday afternoon there is a late afternoon committee meeting at the Heard-Craig Center for the Arts for the May show. We shall see how the performance is at a late afternoon meeting.

Usually in the past this type of meeting was in the morning not so late in the day.

Thursday is on the road. Looks like I am going to meet with Dale Arden, author of the Iguana Project first in the morning. We are going to discus the book, woodworking, golf & his former business as CEO of an international consulting group. Should be good.

From there I stop by for a museum outing with Martha. That will be a blast. Drop her off & head to the Lockheed Martin facility in FW for the IISE tour & dinner. Such monthly events far away are hard for me to make but this one consolidating trips & stops as I have makes it work & worth it. Always wanted to see LockMart on the inside. IISE is Institute for Industrial & Systems Engineering to which I have been a dues paying, card carrying member since 2004.

Got a call from Patty and she is on her way back to town. She is coming over for dinner tomorrow night and debrief on weekend activities.

Alright I guess that’s enough. Suddenly tired when looking at the agenda for this week. I MAY actually turn in early tonight but there are two (2) good games on tonight. The better game is late from the left coast, Sharks v Kings starting at 9:30 central.


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