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Mittwoch, April 2016. 27th day

Yeah Hi. Bill here for the quickest of reports. Not sure if I can report all the news in less than 1000 or as ATT says, one (1) GIG (Gb). Away we go …

Yesterday afternoon late was volunteer packet pick-up for the Colonial which is approaching rapidly. This year we have a new sponsor so they THANKFULLY migrated away from that awful ‘plum’ shade of purple for the shirts. This year a very tasteful medium to darker blue they are calling 'lake blue'. OK. Sounds trendy & hip to me. Kudos to the color picker.

I mean I just made it there under the wire too. I thought the pick-up event was 5:30 -7:30 but it ended at 7:00. So I got there are 6:59:28 and they were gone. I mean torn down, with house keeping staff cleaning up and no tournament staff even around. In a stroke (sorry) of brilliance, I changed into the yellow volunteers shirt I brought for the occasion from the FIRST year I worked as a volunteer and that actually got me somewhere.

Before I knew it, I was upstairs in the tournament office with two ladies, alone, where they had taken the packets after the distribution event. I told them I drove over from McK, was trying to beat the storm and I got my packet. Exuding the charm in a sincere show of gratitude, they thru in a black 70th anniversary commemorative coozie. I offered hugs but neither one bit on that opportunity.

Then it was beat feet back home ahead of the next wave of vicious storms or the latest severe storm warning.

Me thinks these weather people are needing something to do OR are starting to get worried about THEIR jobs as weather seems or appears to be getting more glammed up ALL THE TIME.

I actually removed the weather app from my dumb-ass phone.

When I was in Houston, I added a location and started getting ‘Alerts’ for that area. That was OK UNTIL I got home and tried to turn them OFF. REPEATEDLY !! The Weather Channel app is getting more & more like a tv network ... more ads, commercials & frankly, I don’t need all that.

And you know what ? LIFE GOES ON !!!

Got a stunning report from Oz. Emma has reached a level where in the next letter I am going to propose extending an offer of guest writer. This latest report was THAT good. Not stand alone mind you as some editing will be required as it is after all MY blog.

But she included some information well-presented in the report on those nasty koalas, a brief account on a colorful new character that I see with some potential, Bluey A and a weather report in degrees C. She could be OUR Whether Lady from Down Unda. I am still playing with things as she ponders the various angles of the offer. Watch her comeback with outrageous salary demands.


What do YOU MEAN ‘WHAT ELSE’ !!??

I am up to my earlobes in work preps for the show. I think I heard laundry alarm for load one just go off. I have already called the printer about extended cards for the show.

The committee meets today at the Heard for a noon working lunch for the show.

Then there is the actual work-work for the show. Leon ran out of wood for the final frame so an emergency trip to Cal’s today or tomorrow.

An opportunity crossed this desk for super-sized Levi’s. IF we can get them to this customer, in their size, for less than $140/pair (that's $70/leg), yours truly will be able to advertise self as ‘Fashion exporter.’

So there. Did someway say stagnant?

Look it up.

I need to find an image and get to work.

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