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2 May, 2016/first entry

OK, so I am running behind schedule a we bit. I mean we blew (blue ?) passed Mayday and didn’t get the chance to say 'Mayday, Mayday Will Robinson' … so a quick hey, how are ya to May & chow, cheers or sayonara to April.

Very brief this morning. In fact, if I didn’t get a short enote from our budding correspondent Down Unda, trust me, there would be NO REPORT this day.

So Emma checks in. Seasons are changing there, to Winter if you are keeping score at home. Remember everything is reversed there. The Change means rain, winds & severe storms.


Report was a B+ as rainfall was reported in inches. More than a faux paux, this was a gaff & TOTALLY out of character. I am thinking maybe she is being held as some sort of hostage, needs help, that sort of thing. Such things are reported here metric so we NEED measurement in cm in this case.

Speaking of weather, FB checks in from Houston yesterday with a live report & photos of flooding in their little hood. Today's image is a local sited following the signs to ‘free showers’. Obviously oblivious to the precipitation, and dry on the sidewalk, the river behind him yesterday was Easy Street. Probably will be Easy Street again tomorrow.

That’s it.

So it is raining virtually AROUND the world, EVERYWHERE of ANY consequence.

Perfect for a scrambling arteest, trying to wrap up projects for a big show this COMING Saturday.

Slick local mag received last week at the cloud & throughout the McK has a small article & mentions Yours truly by name AND as a Headliner.

Mother of Pearl.

Lord Help Us ALL. PLEASE !!

(PS: image coming thru frmo phone to this stupid machine. It IS the WEATHERS FAULT. MUST DASH. WS)

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