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Up at five (5) FIVE am to get back to the course and finish up yesterdays round suspended by darkness. No breakfast, longing for a cup of coffee, the bus loads quickly and the Volunteer HQ is abuzz with hundreds of blue shirts and a low humm.

One must admire the PGA for having such an event so well organized and then being able to execute with all the high-strung individuals involved.

Even the Standard bearers committee, and especially the marshals who every year I find it miraculous that we don’t lose one or two. These are elderly gentlemen surely in need of sometihng to do. I am thinking MOST of their wives are chasing them out of the house at least for a week of peace, tranquility & quiet.

These marshals duties mainly involve raising their arms in the air to quiet the crowds. Period.

Some of the stronger & more responsible marshals actually are given little signs to hold up.

As a group they are not very bright, nor motivated and can often be seen gathered in groups of 3 to 6 commiserating about ‘the good old days.’

Anyway, Janet & I arrived early and chatted a bit before the players showed up. All three seemed pleasant enough offering polite & cheerful ‘good mornings’ before the horn went off to officially begin play.

When we finished this abbreviated day, Adam Hadwin was -5 and the best finisher of the group. Colt Knost was -2 and Brendon DeJonge was +2 and in danger of missing the cut. All three signed balls so this year with the balls I am 100 % so far.

So at 9:33 AM we are done so I stick around just in case I am needed as today is my official Day Off. But with the inclement weather and unsettled dynamics, I wait to offer any assistance and be released when assured there are enough bodies to complete the necessary assignments.

I won’t be needed as scheduled and released so I head for the bus and for the first time feel a bit tired. Going out I am swimming against the flow of patrons coming INTO the grounds.

I am the only rider on the bus and the driver is chatty. All I want to do is take a little nap and she is going on and on. And on. And on.

Finally we arrive at the lot & I find Silver. I take off my golf shoes & take a stroll over to the Will Rodgers Center for the Gem, Mineral, Jewelry show. I won a door prize, $10 & bought ten (10) shark teeth for my jewelry business.

From the show I walked back to the bus & went back to the grounds for lunch & a sandwich. But before, I stopped into the FW jardin botanique but didn’t have the drive to get out of the car, pay admission & go inside this day.

I am in kind of a fog at this time so I get a pulled pork sandwich and head back to the seminary calling ti a day.

9:19 PM

The times & pairings are posted for tomorrow. I go at 10:50 AM with Johnson Wagner & Jason Kokrak who are both tied at -3 (207).

I took a hot hot bath, watched an encore presentation of the tournament on the Golf Channel, read some & finally got down for some much needed rest for the final day tomorrow.

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