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Six six One six: 6/6/16

A flag-flying day NOT OPTIONAL here at the cloud. June 6 marks D-Day + 72 years and heroes of that day are disappearing at a natural rate now and from natural causes. One very close friend was Benson.

I knew Benson a long time and as a Family friend. He & his lovely bride were married something like 70 years. He passed last year and we had lost touch but reconnected later and very late in his life when the Alzhiemer's & dementia had then set in.

It was during one of these ‘get acquinted/catch-up’ calls when I learned he was an active participant in the D-Day invasion.

Repeating myself intentionally, I knew Benson a very long time and he never, rarely or seldom even mentioned military service.

He casually mentioned his wife still had the shirt he was wearing THAT day when he was wounded.

Blood stained & torn, it was in the bottom of a trunk ‘somewhere’ and he gave his patented loving laugh whenever She was refereed to. No mention of a Purple Heart or ANY other details. Ever. I am thinking now that he made efforts to forget the horror and to a point had succeeded.

So a numerically & historically significant date and the PATTERN also has a slightly humorous spin up story. The mark of the devil (666) with the number ‘I’ or letter ‘l’ lower case OR capital ‘I’ (eye) all the SAME with this font. So pay attention.

Just a gorgeous day here today. Uncomfortably warm but it’s about time. I am cooling down some hard-boiled eggs. Soon to be test worthy.

A bike ride then attack all the items on my list with vigor. Check on blueberry harvest schedule, vacation watch with Grace Jones & her drones, killer bees & attack snakes, the USPS mail hold, etc, etc.

I am just ITCHING to get a couple of peppermint angelfish into a small production batch, lot or in this case a 'school.' I need to get the contact lens out for that bit of close in work.

I turned on the golf & who’s leading the Memorial ? My friend Emiliano Grillo from the Final round of the Colonial.

The regenerating neuron is begging for some activity. Lists for the trip, find the large, black duffel bag for our check-thru items.

Plan some kind of supper if there is time. There may not be time.

I think you are getting the idea.

Bill … 66-1-6 out.

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