Ate Won, 2016
First entry Augusto twenty-sixteen. Time out for an initial August entry. The sun is rising and I am taking a short break from carving & some writing, waiting for the sprinkler guy to show up and then a training ride. Report of work at 1:00 pm this day.

First, some ABSURD headlines. And only the headlines plus a quick commentary.
MAN SUES FOR REFUND ON BAD HAIRCUT … idiots ABOUND in this now litigious society. Get rich ‘quick’ suing someone, ANYONE seems to be the mantra . Even the poor hairstylist of choice.
Trending from the yahoo ‘news’ … Which Greek island is BEST for YOU ? Mavrikos … ? seriously. I don't even WANT to go to Greece. I heard it was bankrupt & over-run with refugees.In this case I am believing the intel.
Hidden meaning behind Mrs Clinton’s white pant suit … she is ‘pure’ OR the red one was at the cleaners. (??)
Social media a two-edged sword (DMN) NO SHIT !! Where did YOU hear THAT first ??
I ax you …. I must read this one when I get a free hour.
That’s it.
Congratulations to Jimmy Walker for winning the PGA Championship over the weekend. That makes the Titilest he signed & gave to me at the Colonial in May worth roughty $10 K more.
Speaking of golf, out again this Wednesday to do battle. Just hoping I can stay on fire and pick up where I left off last week. I am off work Tuesday & Wednesday so I can get some work in this week if it doesn’t rain as it did last week.
I am making great progress on the account of Mexican adventure from June. One more day to go. I am thinking I am going to purchase the Dragon voice recognition software as I can see using again & again.
Bill. Out