88 (atey-ate) 16
Yet ANOTHER melodious day numerically speaking of course once again and it seems my hunch MAY have been correctomondo.
Today’s image is splitsville and requires some explanation & leads me to the story … FULL disclosure.
Looks like Patty & I are done. We had a little spat Thursday which lead to a cancellation of a ‘couples outing’ (dinner) Friday night and when she reached out and came over Sunday afternoon, she was still fuming, spitting that vicious, venomous, hormonal monologue and enough was simply enough in my house … NOT in my home.
In fairness, she was/is under a lot of pressure. I get that. There is a job change underway. Last day at the old was Friday, first day at the new job is Monday or today. Her daughter is having relationship issues and single parenting yatty-yatta snapsville. See a pattern of drama emerging ?
Suddenly I HAVE passive-aggressive disorder.
I have noticed with the last two (2) that things go fine when or up until they confide in their closest girlfriends. She obviously didn't know what to do so seeking counsel from her friend I'll call Cindy, I see this marked & profound change suddenly for the worse. The friend probably means well but is far, FAR removed from intimate knowledge of situational awareness.
I axed her as she was leaving Sunday if she had my house key & the answer was ‘no’ she didn't have it. Then no more that a minute or two later, as she was THROWING the key in my general direction, it was a done deal. Like I have never been called an a**hole before.
Recall former ‘therapist’ and relationship expert was very fond of throwing things. In fact, her son tipped me off that when she got angry his mother would throw things.
I hope I can recover from the post traumatic stress of this bust up.
I mean break my heart. Here is something that I gained going to Mass this morning and was missed by them not in attendance.
Had she gone to Mass THIS MORNING, there was a short piece in the bulletin on ‘kindness’ that could have been useful, even helpful, but once again in the immediate case, ‘oh well’.
So I am done, officially done with ALL relationships now. I mean I can truly be alone and not lonely AND be HAPPY. Especially now with all that I have going on.
I am not going to spend my time bashing, belittling or slandering her in any way. The beer locker in the refrig was markedly lighter after a quick inventory after she left. I look for the toilet paper usage & budget to return to ‘normal’ in very short order and the aluminum can collections to take a dive.
None of these are serious showstoppers or game changers. Again, life will go on.
We had some fun, some good times, much in common & some differences but time to move on.
8 + 8 = 16. How good is THAT ?
I am thinking I’ll be perfectly fine & OK.
No worries.
Significant progress made on the Dascyllus species & NEXT TIME images for sure.
PLEASE do NOT feel compelled to PRAY for ME on this one Fans. I discovered a 19th century feminist in the Paul Johnson tome I am working my way thru that summed it up clearly & succinctly. Here is the actual quote from this 19th century woman of letters. I had to read it a few times before I GOT IT. I am, after all, a GUY and therefore do NOT put a whole lotta thought in the relationship BULLSHIT.
AMEN. Case closed. Moving on.
Oops ...
The desire of the man is for the woman, but the desire of the woman is for the desire of the man.
Germaine De Stael