LAST Entry September 30, 2016
September is gone as of the next midnight and not much new but there IS a lot going on. Seasons are changing but is THAT newsworthy ? Politically speaking, the orgy is disgusting.
Bill here. Up early yet again lining up ducks, shorebirds, tropical fish, signage, jewelry and other ‘special projects’,
scoping the headlines (only) from around the planet. Forget the whole story, the rest of the story or even the ENTIRE story. No time for the massaged, manipulated manure being fed by the mainstream media.
I mean really. Statistics on whites shooting blacks, compared to blacks shooting whites, Trump says this, Clinton that, mistakes, gaffs & gaffaws all over the place.
Am I the only one willing, able & ready to stick my social finger (way) down my throat & gag at the whole mess ? Is it time to OD on Exlax already ?
Menage a trois, hijo di puta & figlio di puttana.
I went over to my new friend's house last night. Gary is a most unusual character. We thinned out his garden a bit and I came home with of 6-7 different kinds of peppers, lots of Thai basil. It was very cool. His shack is 7,000 sq ft, about double the cloud. Nice & roomy.
OK. So cutting short to work on the Gallery tab of the website. Must make some much needed additions of completed projects as I am expecting traffic to explode with MAST & the Holidays. Moving project files from the phone to the stupid machine in a process that takes too long.
Today's image ... Autumn in McK, TX, USA.
So til next time kids ... chow