seven Roctober 2016
Bill here. A REAL shocker, eh ? Well it’s raining and we always need it. No bike ride today and I am proclaiming it a perfect day to paint. Which I have multiple projects I can pour the passion into and make progress.
I awoke at 3:47 am to the gentle patter of light rain on the window. As it was cooler last night, I had no fans going so it was deathly silent and tomb-like quiet or so I can only imagine.
I heard many of those strange little noises in the night that regular female companions of the past would have nudged their manly-man partner to ‘go investigate’ that would have perfectly natural & normal explanations but I fell back to sleep before I could figure it (them) out. Needless to say I made it thru the night OK.
So its First Friday so I went to Mass and Adoration for a Rosary. Praying for a decent job mostly and avoidance of financial disaster & collapse. Tenant at 811 rental is ‘late’ again. The property management people can’t seem to do ‘anything’ about it. This is becoming a dreadful & stressful condition & situation.
Today progress will be noticed on Duke’s and I WILL finish a mini-Canadian goose which will be the next reports image of the day.
Speaking of The Daily Image, today is another from the growing collection populating the gallery.
Under Tropical fish, this going forward known as a 3-D sculpture. Not exactly what I think of as a ‘sculpture’ but apparently everyone else does so I will go with that flow for now.
The spotfin butterfly fish (Chaetodon ocellatus) is the larger of the two & the B & W is Dascyllus melanurus aka four striped damselfish. Price : $295 + tax. Now taking AmEx, Visa & MC.
Son 1 came over last night to watch the baseball playoffs. Our RedSoX lost but it’s only game one & I do not think the Indians (Cleveland that is) are that deep to compete with the Sox but it is a short series and some of the high-priced ‘name players’ better WAKE UP or they will be starting the off-season waiting for Spring training before you can say drop the puck.
OK. Got to go.
I failed to mention a luncheon engagement networking and I must pick up some projects at the printer.