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12th day, 12th month 16

Twelve (12) seems to be the magic number today. Or it’s all about 12 (twelve). Twelve days & the infernal non-stop Christmas carols on the PA at work will end, the trees & decorations will come down & things will get back to ‘normal.’

I cannot wait.

Well, what a GREAT game of American football last night !! NY Giants dropped & SILENCED the much-touted & heralded Cowboys in NY to my shear delight.

Today at work I went LOOKING for morons wearing ANYTHING cowboy and nada.

Oh how I wished I had a Giant shirt, ball cap or even a small pin to rub into some forlorn faces.

For the second time this season, the Giants beat the cowboys. In fact the only two (2) losses for jonesy’s boys were at the hands of you guess it the Giants. It was GREAT. They never show Jones when the cowboys lose. Wonder why ?

I was calling all my cowboys fan friends and none would answer.

In other news. Tupp’s Saturday was a bust. No heat in the building so cold to the extreme, small crowd, no beer chips this month and overall, not a good experience.

OK. So I am off now until Saturday and I have much to do.

Christmas cards are done. The letter is in its second, perhaps FINAL, draft, got photos and need to tie up some loose ends none of which gets done updating this money pit of a blog.

That said, aloha. Manana, later & ciao. Sayonara, auf weidersehn and adios.

So long, happy trails, good night Irene.

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