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(Dead day entry)/running x 2016

OK. Time to talk calendar continuity class along with a brief social commentary op/ed if you will. I worked late last night, slept in, had a magnifique bowel movement and am feeling incredibly well this day.

So I was reading in bed, the Paul Johnson account and got to a break point before falling asleep.

The Maya calendar nailed this time period at the end of the year & I am going to keep the practice alive of down (aka think ‘dead’) days. So here I am going to spin it Bill’s way with one account, running & rambling. When R & R isn’t rock & roll or rest & relaxation or I guess BOTH could apply.

No work, no plans & all play, personal or ‘flex-time’ should be the general rule during these Dead days on the calendar. It is a great time to forget the crap, defeats, disasters, setbacks & train wrecks of 2016 and make grandiose PLANS for the next 12 (twelve) months. Next week and even tomorrow.

News … riots at malls across across America. I read the stories first out of curiosity and noticed right away no photos or even images of the hooligans in the print media account.

Then a youtube video or ‘news’ account & sure enough … the SAME aggressive shoppers that ran over Baltimore last summer & were causing this trouble, helping themselves and causing damage & destruction. Beating each other up. I had seen enough & my curiosity was quelled.


Absurd/obscene are todays words. It’s a TOTALLY OFF day so the third & final word is goof. NOT golf as I will be goofing off ALL DAY starting here, NOW or as soon as I finish.

I worked until 11:00 pm last night and after I got home, got refamiliar with the floor plan but before bed, I turned on telly and sure enough & true to form, there was a decent movie on for a change.

I got semi-involved but went down for the count & upstairs well after midnight but before 1:00 am.

The commercials again interrupted and when I try to take short naps just for the commercials, I fail.

I awoke at 5:10 and read Modern Society (19th Century) until sleep returned. Approaching the 400 page milestone. Only 600 to go …

At 8:10, ‘good’ neighbor Roger began mowing. Flaming idiot and royal tool with nothing better to do apparently. I think he is most likely actually following his wife’s orders to clean up the leaves out of the yard or else. So he eagerly complies.

My student is coming over tonight for carving lesson IV (quattro) and we start actually making chips. The ‘theory’ part(s) are mostly behind but he has two (2) small pieces as projects cut out & ready to go and for breaks we will work on the consolidation pattern of the life size roadrunner.

From the Grande Orange Box. Two (2) stories. First the insignificant.

I got an award. That’s right. I received a little ‘Homer’ patch from my soup to wear on my apron.

APPARENTLY, a customer made mention of my customer service and hence the award. I am NOT kidding you. I was baffled. All I could say during the award ceremony, presentation and acceptance speech was I was just doing my job. Apparently, the millennials need or require these little merit badges & positive reinforcement(s) periodically to ‘feel’ good about themselves, perform at a higher level, etc. Not so much here.

I tried to sell it (the patch) but no takers & another elder (boomer) associate quietly whispered that doing so would be so gauche. So I ‘lost’ it (the patch) somewhere. The LAST THING I am going to do is actually wear it. God forbid.

Dos. Under Famous People again for $500 please Alex. (Ref Jeopardy)

This elder gent walks in wearing a Charlie Brown Christmas shirt. I make a polite, off-the-cuff comment and he tells me he IS Charlie Brown. THIS ONE IS TRUE !! I axed him for his autograph and he signed the back of a business card. I GOT CHARLIE BROWN’S AUTOGRAPH !!

I am winding down for this entry/day as I have more things I really want to do.

Scanning the news banners ... I have seen enough of this Sofia Viagra & really don’t care where she is vacationing. She needs to polish up her English. I am ready fir her to go away.

Speaking of going away, George Michael passes … Is this Boy George ? IDK. Not considering myself a fan of either.

Working on my own list of losses, misses and much fewer the hits & winners for 2016.

Stand by por favor. Bill out for the time being. No image.


Weird day against nominal standards. Working this evening reporting at 1900 hours therefore revving up for a tempered day as ‘performing time’ will begin today typically when things wind down.

I scanned the ‘news’ headlines aka propaganda already this morning and there is nothing of concern or interest to even comment on so we shall move right along.

Coffee this day is Italian Expresso, a Christmas gift greatly appreciated as the daily grind ran out yesterday. I was going to switch for a indeterminate period of time to drinking the estate blend of tea as the morning jump-start beverage of choice. May now alternate back & forth to extend the imported gift (expensive) is the agenda.

My carving student came over last night for a one (1) hour session. Good progress and the session generated AI (Actionable Item) for your correspondent. Must shag the altered pattern to the post for purchase of raw materials (wood), cutting out and return shipment.

Phone calls to make & battles to fight but a run of ‘new’ old radio shows has hit. T Victory bonds’ and Raleigh cigarettes. How cool is that ?

Very nice background/white noise to do other things such as art projects and very portable. Just carry the phone and the little bluetooth speaker where ever I go in the mansion studio to work. How great is that ?

OK. Must, MUST, MUST finish a project today. It is ready to paint & finish and is a reasonable and achievable goal for this day.

Image to follow manana ...

Friday/12:30 all day

Now two (2) full days off, a growing list & just enough time to spin up an entry and post before carrying on.

Today, THIS MORNING, I WILL finish latest sign. Got close yesterday but had a minor setback to navigate. Sorted it out & now have the process steps clear to take project over the top.

Cold, 1 or 2 outside so a little fire would be cozy. I had a good day yesterday until work but nonetheless will go for two-in-a-row with the Italiano Expresso.

The sun is up & shining cold so the longer I work inside the warmer & better it will get outside. How’s that for a plan/logic ? The leaves have nearly all fallen from Roger’s oak so I have a plan & schedule to get them out of the cement pond, onto the side yard & mulched with the lawn mower. Leaves are great fertilizer & mulch and people PAY to have them carted away. Does that resonate stupid to you ? Well it does to me.

That’s it. A quick glance of the headlines … 'Obamasama imposing sanctions on Russians for election hacking.' I am sure President Putin is shaking in his shoes … in laughter. Just wait it out Val. In 22 days there will be a new Sheriff. Good riddance to the bike riding, helmet wearing left-handed golfer.

What a whimpy combination, collection and excuse for a 'leader'.

Post script: Penultimate day 2016

Time is running out. Accomplished much this day IAW Plan. Plucked leaves from cement pond & mulched in front yard, carved, painted and FINISHED sign project. Made a nice fire, took a bath, made supper and started soaking black-eyed peas for NYE.

All Good.

31 December. No days remain. None left.

Woke up congested and with serious PND. Slept in & read in an attempt to stay warm, rest, gather strength and formulate a Plan.

Started laundry, had a cup of tea, lots of honey and an orange right away for a boost of vitamin C.

Activity seems to be working.

Texted Houston WRT visit next week and warned them of possible impending illness & trip postponement.

S1 texted late yesterday about coming around today for Christmas ‘celebration’ or exchanging gifts. Mass at 5:00, low, lower & lowest impact activities this day. Nudge along the bepeas for enjoyment & celebration later.

Work 1/1/17.

See you next year.

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