Second entry, First Prime day
No joke or jest, FIRST THOUGHT on waking this day, the first of many such days in 2017, all date numbers are PRIME numbers. This is going to be a most common occurrence this year & I am thinking each such day should be a minor or lesser holiday observance.
Well, first, anyone, what is a prime number ? Let’s start there.
In the back, Emma …
‘A positive number that has no factor but one and itself’.
Correct. I KNEW you would know. A number divisible only by one and itself in another way.
So 1/3/17 and like I said, many will occur this year. So these random floating lesser holidays (NOTE: these holidays are NOT capitalized) will be celebrated independently and one MUST DECLARE this first month in order to observe all year long to prevent and avoid unnecessary & flagrant abuse. I mean I can foresee slackers ignoring the declaration deadline and suddenly begin observing such holidays much later when they start trending or become fashionable in people magazine.
Celebration is at one’s complete and responsible discretion. Some examples you say ?
Perhaps a cocktail for breakfast but only one. A FULL day for oneself and their mental health. A ‘friendship’ or communication day. A complete, full and total workout day. A longer than usual exercise period. Break up the day to do a number of fun things to maximize and optimize one's time. Do you see a pattern ?
That aside, my day is itching to begin. My dance card has carving projects towards painting. A number of smalls moving along quickly and hopefully by tonight I can prime & seal to begin painting tomorrow. Tupp’s show is next Saturday and I am going to try it again. I mean why not ? I am not scheduled to work/work that Saturday so I’ll go, set up & try to sell something. Hopefully have a few free beers this time.
Taxes. At least ONE (1) hour today must be spent gathering & compiling tax data. I am expecting & budgeting for a nice refund this year so I need to get after that nasty & ugly little task. Must get a package together & shipped to accountant as soon as practical as she will be swamped later as always.
Read. Beginning chapter 7 and page 600 in sight. Just finished the rise of feminism or the fem movement. Must admit I may have discovered my first ever heroine. I really like what I read & the description of Harriet Martineau and her thoughts & the place of women in society was spot on. Very well-grounded and packed with common sense. Google the name.
Communicate. Short notes overdue to them (those ?) that either sent classy cards or short notes. These rare friends & rugged individuals deserve some positive reinforcement.
I learned yesterday that the lousy directTv service has I was tricked into subscribing to carries & I GET msnbc. BFD you say ? Not so fast ...
Well, this now becomes the ONLY venue where I can watch a hockey game in the luxury & privacy of my home !!
Not sure if this is good or not which segways into a recent back story.
Recall S1 & I went out early on NYE and ended up at an establishment for a bite, drink and watch the local town hockey team. After three (3) stops, we found a joint revving up for revelers and got them to turn the game on one of their tellys. The other places had college football oh so boring.
Anyway, as I watched and I would commented to him, how much more dull & boring it seemed to be suddenly to actually WATCH the game on tv. Visually the viewer is ASSAULTED repeatedly (insulted ??perhaps ?) with endless replays from nauseating angles and the mindless commentary was like reminding me and asking … ‘do you have a brain?, is it turned on AND working?’
I thought & suddenly felt as though I had acquired alzheimers or something. And simply just STARING at a smaller screen across the room, with little exchange or conversation. Suddenly it all seemed so sad. I/we were being robbed, taken advantage of and had lost some freedom in s remote sense.
Anyway, we stayed until the bitter end and watched sadly as the Stars lost painfully once again. I did make the comment that listening to the radio broadcast games was much more appealing, favorable & entertaining from my perspective and received the traditional & expect generational ‘whatever’ response with the accompanying eye roll.
OK. That’s all folks.
Must dash. Overcast, chilly outside but just about right inside for the things I want to do & get done this day. The wind is whipping the dos palmeros and Roger’s bloody oak has been sheared (shorn ?) of its leaves thankfully & finally.
If I accomplish 80/90 % or more of this short ta-due list, my reward before watching the game would be a hot bath.
Happy FIRST Prime day !!