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Tuesday & another Prime Holiday

Greetings Fan-base from Texas & the palace on The Hill. All well, crisp, clear & perhaps cold outside this morning. The day begins with this little mental exercise but will rev up shortly.

As you know, I ran out of coffee & in an emergency shopping raid Sunday I burned (used) a number of coupons that I had in storage which were about to expire. One was for an Italian brand of coffee imported by K-Roger which was $2.50 off. It was also marked down on special so I practically ‘stole’ it. The label proudly proclaims it as Italy’s finest. Not bad but perhaps the Italians strictly control imports and markets OR manipulate the survey or data to favor the local LavAzza company just like here.

Coming down from the mlk day hangover. What a celebration this year.

I missed the Stars game last night. They were playing in Buffalo and when I checked the magnetic calendar on the refrig the game was a 12:00 start time. I guess due to the holiday. I bet there were some grumbling players with that series of events. A noon Monday game. ‘Yeah coach, my mind & heart are in it & ready to play …’

So I went to the latest binge watching program from the stream. Sneaky Pete is another amazon studios original series & is a crazy entertainment event. I recognized Pete as the character actor from an episode of that iconic favorite My Name is Earl . Pete is a young con man and his parents were losers so his guiding relationship is with his grandparents who run a bail bond business in NYC.

Anyway, as I am running out of work time already, each episode seems like it is straight out of Murphy’s Law where EVERYTHING goes wrong. Silly, stupid but no commercials (commercial FREE) which you don’t realize is a treat into and of itself. And you can watch 1,2 or 5 episodes on the annual amazon prime membership.

So this morning already I have spent some time on regenerating neuron.2 and .3. More heavier lifting on .3 today. Both & each is progressing well and I am liking the concept at this stage. Right now, the trilogy set would go for $25K. Or $5K for one. I would hate to break up the set but could. Or would TRY to replace one or two of the pieces. Again it would have to be worth my while, time & trouble.

Currently reached the 2/3 milestone (p 667 of 998) of the great book. Still amazing & of the keenest interest. I can now see why mankind in general should study history because it is just repeating itself.

One very interesting section delved into period development in Paraguay. There was a benevolent dictator there Dr Rodriguez Francia that I plan on doing further research. There certainly has to be a biography in the library. In brief, Dr R-F studied the French philosopher Rousseau and actually applied and closely followed the teachings running the country. There was lots of dancing, promiscuity, heavy religion AND a very long run. His failing was that there was no plan whatsoever for succession or continuity & when he passed, things returned to the chaos, massacres & confusion. They people were actually HAPPY under his rule. He controlled and was directly involved in nearly every aspect of the populace's lives. I find this intriguing & extremely cool. Just like here at the cloud.

Running to conclusion now, this is the 300th (!!) blog posting in the new testament. Not sure but this COULD SURPASS entries in the ancient old testament. Tempus Fugit. The material keeps accumulating but in a good way. Sometimes in very good ways. Someday my biographer will appreciate all my hard work, efforts & keen observations.

OK. Got to run. Refill the coffee which is good but NOT Hawaiian. My student is coming over tonight for a long session (2 hrs). Big chip-fest tonight and heavy lifting. Must clean up the casa, etc.

And today is the first again of a series of days off from the orange box. Off all week and report again Saturday. I have so many things lined up that entries will very likely be sparse.

The image today is the earliest stages of regenerating neuron.2.

I ALMOST wish I could work on it, ONE project exclusively, ALL DAY.

That seems like it would be Heavenly but as one of the ancient gfs once said, I have forgotten which one, ‘it is what it is’.

See why THAT one is an x ? How profound.

Oh well. All good & all is well. And this one yet again has ended well.

Best & Highest regards from the cloud

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