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Stupid Bowl LI, 5 Feb 17 Second dispatch

This could be the shortest dispatch from the edge EVER. I am really, REALLY caught in the time squeeze this day HOWEVER being a Master of Time & Management, I got it.

So the cole slaw is made & it looks grande. I cleaned a little while I was going along & time allowed so that usual mess is minimal. I took a quick shower, I mean REAL quick as the temperature inside the cloud is shall we say approaching brisque.

This is in preparations for work & the party.


You heard me. And have you forgotten the previous report with plans for today ?

Moron from Xenon.

Next on the dance card is apply for a job. Bulletin board late Friday tossed a peach of a position that I need to have in TA/HR in-box straight away Monday morning. I have the cover letter plotted, a few tweaks of the resume and press send. Probably from the couch or perhaps Recliner One.

So super bowl L-I later today. I do have to work but have a plan in place to slip-&-slide out to the party at Gary’s. I’ll take a late lunch and leave right about kick-off and set the timer for one (1) hour and return. The manager on duty is one of the better (cooler) ones so I am 99 % sure he will turn the blind eye. I’ll take an hour maybe two sick time which THD refers to generically as PTO.

And I have some !!

Speaking of percentages, the next page I turn on the Paul Johnson tome will be 850 which I realized lately will be 85 %. This next chapter is the FIRST financial crisis. I’m telling you Fans this history stuff is TRUE. It keeps repeating.

And speaking of lessons … God got thru to me this morning. You know, it’s NOT LIKE he says ‘Bill, sweep the floors’ or ‘Clean this debris field, por favor’. OK, so God doesn’t speak Spanish. To me anyway. I PRACTICE manors AND my espanol.

I knocked over and broke a wine glass this morning so guess what came out?

Yep. The broom & the dust pan. A quick refresher of the directions 'How-to-use' & I was off.

A nice cup of Mexican café today. Bustelo comes in a can. Check that a METAL can. More & more the coffee ‘cans’ are plastique or paper. It’s a good change of pace.

Speaking of changes of pace, listening to The Chills this morning. A few of their ‘albums’ are on amazon prime and therefore ‘free’. I started out with new wave electronica and The Chills were listed as one of those ‘Others also listened to …’ buttons. The album artwork lured me in so I gave them a shot and kind of nice. A change of pace is usually always a good thing.

From the Orange Box, a tale. I have mentioned to some THD has a pretty good training program. They are not Nazis about it but I took the last one & it must have sunk it. It explained how to use this ‘app’ on our department ‘phone’ (actually a very powerful hand-held piece of technology) to set up services for customers. You enter some quick contact data and a contractor contacts the customer following up on the ‘lead’ and you (in this case ME aka wxs3190/132241301) thus generated, gets ‘credit’ and a ‘bump’. Then a bit later, another opportunity presented itself & before I headed for home I had three (3) confirmed ‘leads’. I found this pretty cool. I will monitor the account and check for bumps & hickies.

I see I am about out of time.

Got a great nights rest. Clean sheets, up later because no real reason to get up early and watched several Covert Affairs. A contemporary thriller series with a smoking hot agent and incredible twists & turns. Great settings. One episode they were in Havana, Bogota, Hong Kong all over. Anne Walker is as bad as Matt Damon aka Jason Bourne. Good stuff. I guess 8-9 episodes and NO COMMERCIALS.

Speaking of commercials,


Quiet por favor. I'm ROLLING ...

I remember the first super bowl. It was only a game, began at 1:00 in the east and during commercials I guess we tried to sort out which soap, cigarettes or booze to buy. Or went to take a leak.

Now, of course, it is ‘an extravaganza’, an event which in a couple more years WILL APPROACH Biblical proportions. I heard someone at work this week actually say they ‘watch FOR the commercials.’ Mission accomplished Madison Avenue man.

Now I am out of time.

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