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16 March 2017

Sorry for missing the Ides of March this year but I was being probed like the final frontier. That’s right yesterday I was up early and off for that most delightful and enjoyable procedure of procedures, the colonoscopy.


Seriously ? I just said it was ‘delightful.’

From the first sip of the bowel prep solution, to the IV and the recovery room, I could write a book.

The story lines were boundless. The nurse that woke me up in recovery was very cute. All I could think was where has she been ? I have LEARNED now to keep my trap SHUT under such circumstances and said nothing. The days of making an ass of myself are about over.

Dr Cloud (Robert or Bob) came in and the other nurse (idiot) looks at the chart & reads to him QUOTING ‘History of polyps, Family history of colio-rectal cancer.’

Cloud looks at the chart and says QUOTING AGAIN ‘We found ONE (1) SMALL polyp LAST TIME.’

Do YOU see a little difference there ?

Nothing like making an awful situation worse. If I wasn’t hooked up to every possible monitor & life support system I’d have gotten up out of that bed and given her the what for. Of all the things to say.

Afterwards S1 drove us out of sight of the center to Waffle House where we enjoyed a fab breakfast. I then drove him to his place & me home. I was fine.

I wasn’t feeling too bouncy on arriving home so I just read my new book on the couch when the phone rang. It was my friend Gail, another local artist. We struck it up at a function a couple of weeks ago and exchanged contact info. I emailed her, called, left messages NOW she returns the call.

Anyway, Gail does & is doing a lot of cool stuff. She told me that she gets attached to her finished originals and makes & sells prints for a healthy margin. This sounded very familiar and got my attention originally and she calls me today. One of the worst days of my life.

We talked for about an hour and I got some very good intel. Gail told me a bunch of things that will be most helpful. She said she would be glad to walk me thru a couple of the processes and also tutor/ mentor me with photo-shop. She is very computer literate and likes to show & teach others. I am thinking I have made an extra base hit.

Today's images are a direct response to inquiring minds of the whalloping snow storm rampaging Happy Valley.

The pile of snow between the telephone pole in the background & the snow covered shrub in the foreground is my brother car.

There is a view across the road at the neighbors and a second image. Mom still thinks the snow is ‘beautiful’. I hope she gets plenty of pictures.

The green image is Thai celery-peanut salad. Celery was dirt cheap this week so I bought a bunch. My parsley patch is going nuts with the cooler weather and this recipe calls for one cup and I made it a FULL cup. I had it again tonight and MAY make another batch when this one is gone since I have still more of all the ingredients.

I also made sauerkraut in a jar. Cabbage is in season and I told FB this bath is for Summer 2017 parties, picnics & BBQs. Lip-smacking AND it’s a pro-biotic. Aces for the lower GI tract.



I guess that’s about it. I was the opening act at THD this morning and again tomorrow at 6:00 am so early to bed so as I can early to rise. Dentist appointment, cut some more wood over at Cal’s, then home to clean up and hopefully paint & finish some fish, shorebird & decoys before heading to Stations of the Cross. Next Friday I am scheduled to work so I’ll miss a week.

Lent has been going well. Had a couple of small lapses but have kept away from most of the big hitters like alcohol, sweets/candy & others.

At the recovery from the c-scope, the cute nurse asked if I wanted anything to drink & without thinking or realizing requested a Makers & coke. She refused and then I remembered I gave it up for Lent.

Thanks for axing if I had a pretty good work day. Actually finished two (2) waste baskets, four (4) rustic frames and cut & laminated the boards for two (2) more trash cans (waste baskets). I think they all look smashing if I must say so. All these for Arts in Bloom in three, THREE (3) short weeks !! Yikes !! I need to get after Gail & those make some prints.

So much to do.

The new book is the Five of Hearts. Another book I bought from Martha at her estate sale. Most enjoyable in a surprising way. Not my usual kind of read however interesting looks into another place and time in America and history.

More to follow on all fronts.

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