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4 – twenty - twenty-17

OK Fans trying to get my legs under me here now and a thousand apologies for the unplanned interruption. But I have been extremely busy working on some new projects so send in your alms, beneficiaries, contributions, donations, dues, memberships or subscriptions at once por favor.

My dreary work-work at THD this day is later 3-7 PM so I can focus on more fun tasks this morning until 1-2. Must get in a bike ride, there is a webinar at 9:00, there are artistic projects I am now revved up on, my Biblical research has taken a hiccup turn as has the amazon studios project.

With the amazon project, it may have gone off the chart. In the process I MAY have acquired a new gf.

Yet unnamed, we spoke on the telly last night for the first time. Pure delight but not to worry as it is a LONG DISTANCE relationship and YOU KNOW how those go. Besides, this is strictly and purely professional.

She is a SME, a living resource and fountain of information & insider knowledge that will get me started with momentum which I am gaining confidence can now be sustained.

I even forgot to mention the job hunt. Mustn’t forget the search for meaningful employment.


EMMA !! I missed you and hope things are still rolling up hill DU. Did I mention I got my new supply of vegemite ? Two 200g jars. My taste has come around to actually like it for the nutritional value. I spread a very thin layer (the secret, THIN as it goes a long way) on a hot dog roll or a wheat flour torilla.

See, I drifted off.

IDK. I shall cross the Work Bridge when it gets closer or crossing is imminent. No one says I HAVE TO accept the offer after all. How’s that ?

In the meantime, I was looking up Moses for that project. For you coming lately to the Biblical research party, I have been working on Commandments 11-15.


No. Just paying super attention.


OK. Moses came down from the mountain and there was supposed to be three (3) tablets. It seems I recall that one broke. The remaining two (2) tablets he got down with contained the 10 (Ten) Commandments.

So, what was on the other tablet that was broken ? Boilerplate, disclaimers or legalese ?

I don't think so.

I am THINKING outside the box. God doesn’t let things something so big just happen so this opens things up to perhaps the greatest discussion of our time.

Next time you're stuck at a cocktail party or some such dreadful function, open with this one.

For starters, who says there ever were five (5) more bullet points on Tablet III ?

Perhaps the list just over ran and there were only two (2).


Maybe and NOT at all. There are 12 Steps is there not ? All I AM saying is there could be.

At any rate before I get suckered too far off task, I am working on it.

For a peak under the sheets, I am speculating and tossing out there one (1) of the missing Commandments.

Not sure which one but I feel almost positive this IS one.

‘Thou Shalt Not Complain’ lest one be stricken with the plague or some other unknown affliction.

I see sadly Fox has fired O’Reilly or run him off. I mean what is this guy doing ? What was he even THINKING ? Too much power must have corrupted him. So what’s he going to do now ?

Are you kidding me ? How about writing a book ? Something with a catchy title like, say ‘Killing O’Reilly?’ Works for me. Those royalty checks should be flowing in for a few days I am thinking.

Maybe I send a flare to Fox and apply to that open position. I didn’t get very far when I made an inquiry to replace Andy Rooney. CBS execs are eaten up with the big ‘network executive’ thing.

Hey, I just let them know I WAS available. Probably not ASSERTIVE enough.

Fox, schmox.

I must cut and run. I know I didn’t touch on everything but that should work to draw you back for next time.

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