Very chilly and having slept in deeply with the window open, the numbers are months behind seasonal norms. But I did wake up, canceled a golf outing and reported for a short shift mid-afternoon. So, an update follows.
Much to do so aiming once again for the allusive brevity in verbiage.
Received a lengthy report from DU. Emma wanted to inform all that in the Land of Oz global warming also in not trending and candidates are lining up that do not believe. When the planet explodes or the grande comet, asteroid or hemrrhoid strikes, YOU won’t even have time to remember how warm it was in 1975, or 1998 for that matter. You probably won’t have time to even pray. It will be way too late.
Emma painted a picture and included images of storms and the resulting damages from recent foul weather there. So it rains everywhere and no one or any single area is immune to what (?) ... Inclement weather, natural disasters.
Just count your lucky stars or BETTER, pray & thank God for what you have. Pray it doesn’t happen or iffen it does, it won’t be too serious.
I started, stopped and restarted this mess more than once …
A BRIEF perusal of the yahoo fake news proved to be the catalyst to rekindle the fire.
USS Carl Vinson ‘cannot shoot down an in-coming missile’. WHAT ? Nothing like BROADCASTING a weakness in the armor. Another ‘leaker’ should be escorted to the gallows or shot. Or is it more fake news ?
Texas teacher caught having sex with four (4) teenagers. Why didn’t this happen when I was in school ? por favor …
Perhaps it did but didn’t make the papers. How sick is this ? Does the public REALLY want to hear about this sort of thing ? PERIOD ?
Trump didn’t do this as … (fill in the blank ‘as pledged/promised) or missed this or that. Keep in mind at all times the media is NOT going to EVER support or give credit to a neo-politician that made them look SO bad. Let the guy do the job. HIS job. People NOT supporting the President are Un-American. End of THAT Op-Ed.
And the clinton woman is resurfacing, raising her ugly head, as is mr ‘free everything’ burnny sanders. Give me a break. One needs to go to jail, the other to find a job. End Op-Ed.
Ventured to the CCC on Tuesday. The Stash is back. Photo coming during the tournament week 24 to 28 May.
Which brings us to today’s image.
I am a grandpa again.

After four (4) years, one of my oldest pineapple plants is throwing off a flower which under ideal, read ‘much more favorable’, conditions, would become a fruit.
There is some degree of satisfaction and it is quite high that I have kept it alive and happy, thriving to this point.
It gives me great pleasure & joy to see it, look at it and watch it each & every day.
It is a simple pleasure true but sincere & genuine.
And no, it does NOT have a name.
It IS very cool.