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May Day, May Day …

May Day Will Robinson ... A Monday, 1st of a new month and all that entails so wuz up at the cloud I can hear you axing, pro favor ? In a word, ‘lots’.

The day is breaking bright as in a crisp, clear autumn morning.


Tell me. It is below 16 so not bike ride again today at least for a while. Exactly 16 in the master’s sleeping qtrs and 20 on the wall. Exterior 8 C. The lettuce loves it, eggplant, tomatoes and basil telling me ‘not so much.

Today’s image is Thinornis novaeseelandia.

Completed after a lengthy spell in the paint shoppe. What an ordeal. This rare little shorebird in all likelihood will be a one of a kind due to the degree of difficulty to get the paint coloration and patterns to my satisfaction. But I said the same thing about the red knot as I prepare to start on #3. Another beast to paint.

That’s how things go in the art world with moi anyway.

Big news from Down Unda, Emma is going to be headed to the US for a tour. Expect sightings in TX & OR in maybe three (3) weeks. Received word this morning in first electronic post.

Not much else.

Work this afternoon for a short shift. My buddy Rick sends an invite for a bucket of range balls as he works PT as a range attendant at Watters Creek so I will be there immediately after work should it warm up which is should.

Looking forward to that activity.

Painting, carving & outdoor gardening til then. Got a job hunt flare ready to launch to time zones west. Can’t fire such salvos too early. One MUST be careful at all times.

That’s it.

Must get Thinornis novaeseelandia to its new owners and get the commission. Sad to see it go but I do have the images.

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