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20 June 20-17

First day of Summer, solstice and a Tuesday. Niceness squared. Much to report, little time so what else is new ? Emma checked in and we have had a sounding versus a sighting. This morning the very first spider lily has opened up in grande fashion and might, well COULD be the image if this one gets to posting.


There are some other things developing not proper nor appropriate for here right now.

I expect a busy, full day and another scorcher. Yesterday was a short respite as cloud cover kept things on the not-quite-so-hot side. That run cannot continue. This IS Texas and not it IS Summer.

Next case, por favor.

Just in case you have run out of things to worry about, here is a link to an article to get those ‘worry juices re-flowing’.

Operative word here is MAY as in ‘may be spreading’. Prove it. Maybe NOT.

Midway thru the hot part of the afternoon and things are rosy.

I fired the property management firm that was doing absolutely nothing but collecting the fee for collecting the rent. I spoke to the tenant directly and we are on the same page wrt the propman level of service. They expect things to get much better & they will. That extra $$ will stretch things a little further each month AND as a direct result from the ARB hearing & research, the rent can bump up considerably. This relief will be huge. You can start referring to me a real estate tycoon.

Too bad I bowed out of 2020.

Oh, also, the AC contractor called & new ac unit will be here for install TOMORROW afternoon.

Now THAT will be nice sleeping for a change.

Emma is heading for the PACNW for coolness and to visit her S1 escaping Lubbock heat and toddling grandchildren. I fired back a quick response for her to make sure she gets her shots but being the astute world traveler she is I am 100% sure & confident she has all immunization schedules up to date.

Today's image is the amazing first spider lily of 2017.

It was open in dawn’s early light and I am just flabbergasted that now for the last three (3) years TO THE DAY the first one opens on the first DAY of Summer.


This is Bill now closing out the first full day of summer.

It is Grande and much more to go. HOT DANG !!

But on a sadder not, the days will now be getting SHORTER but not noticeably for a while yet. Like August maybe. I'll be watching trying yo notice.

Must dash. Tomorrow is another ‘OFF’ day of fun, games, work & play.


Perhaps. If you are good and send in a check, for sure.

BTW, I am investigating a youtube channel. Music, blog, mailbag, relationship advice, music, op-ed, literature … THE WORKS. It COULD open as early as 26 June. Look for the first intro jingle by Ike Reilly & the assassination … ‘8 more days til the fourth of July’ to begin the rocket boat ride.

Ciao baby.

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