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Friday 30 June 17

Running out of June. In fact, this is IT for June. Next time we huddle, it will be July and all that that entails such as the year being half over. Start of the third quarter but now that I think of it, I just now recalled how the new calendar handles this little ‘time shift’ or dead time.

Think the Mayan calendar & the current contemporary calendar with ‘dead days’ at years end.

On Bill’s calendar, we will have ‘dead days’ added in the summertime, extend June until the 4th of July which becomes 1 July and then promptly forget about it until next year.




Yesterday was FULL OFF so I went to Bonham in Fannin county and picked bluets. Which will be today's image.

Debbie told me Saturday would probably be the last day to pick so that crashed my planned schedule. I picked two (2) gallons for the third ‘phantom’ trip. All good.

I stopped to see Jenkins and the freestone peaches had peaked early, wouldn’t be around much longer & he still had some left and if I wanted them to get my a** out there. Did I ever mention Jenkins was not short on charm ? No ?

Jenkins typically runs low on charm. Normally.

So that brings me today.

It looks like rain so an indoor activity would be grande


I went to Mass. Father Sal is leaving and I got an email that he did not want a party or farewell just come to Mass in a show of support.

It isn’t or wasn’t First Friday but I went anyway thinking I need the help & it couldn’t hurt.

I took him some note cards & a print of the crucifixion titled Chapel at Saint Michael’s.

Now home obviously finishing the coffee and will soon migrate to the cocina and laying out the things I need to prepare for making the blueberry & peach jam & conserves. Freezing some of the bluets for the long winter.

Yesterday when I got home there was a package on the stoop. Finally, FINALLY the four (4) large jars of crunchy coconut peanut butter from Hawaii arrived. I ordered it back 10 May so it would get here BEFORE Colonial. USPS ‘priority’ mail as I LOL. May 10 to 29 June. Priority.

OK. That’s it.

Post this up and get to work.

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