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18 S

Abbreviating at each & every opportunity this day and you can guess why. Same alibi, excuse & story. Time is short.

This week I get out of town for a much needed nano-vacation. That's correct the extended staycation aka exile or pka house arrest is, is, is … stale.

But first, last night at THD awards celebration in Allen where the main purpose was to distribute the semi-annual Success Sharing checks, everyone's favorite part-time associate (almost) won an award. I say almost because there are some, OK, a FEW turds (or jerks) that work there unworthy but your correspondent was recognized. The patch is already tossed into the box with such other ‘cherished’ items from times past.

It has been awhile between reports and look for nada until at least next week.

Grace Jones & her band of drones will cover the property with the newest & latest security features. In addition to the drones with wi-fi & blue-tooth enabled accessories, the killer bees & venomous reptiles, this time around the premises will be protected by phusia fire ants.

These little GMOs will carry the latest nano-toxins and a bite will be lethal within 30 seconds. In fact, if the perp IS BITTEN, YOU WILL DIE on the premises and be prosecuted to the full extent of the law when I get back. In fact, try anything I may just stomp your lifeless carcass for a ‘release.’

Emma checked in. The weather is miserable in Oz. I mean WILD extremes on the SAME day. Not just temperature variations but seasonal as well.


Omygosh !

I finished Ben Franklin & immediately jumped into Thomas Jefferson. After this one, I am thinking I will have had a sufficient fill of historical figures for a while.

While the Franklin book was easy to read, put down & pick up because of the ease of reading and chapter & paragraph structuring, this work on Jefferson is not that way.

The Jefferson book is much more scholarly and goes into a much greater depth. Longer, MUCH longer chapters and no natural break points PLUS he was The President and as such of a higher order that Franklin. Approaching p100 and have hit upon a pace to finish but it WILL BE a while. Good material and extremely interesting.

Funny side note. Before starting, I was thumbing thru the jacket notes, table of contents and as I was browsing the index and chuckle at a listing for ‘George Jefferson’ and no I did NOT go to the referenced page(s) NOR did I check to see if Weezie was mentioned.

It was common knowledge that Jefferson was in dalliance with a slave and other such rumors are addressed. But one thing that has not changed to the current time, detractors & political opponents then as now calumnious behavior.

This book also requires the occasional stoppage to look up such new or little used words such as calumny that make all the sense in the world and not always able to sort out contextually. This expansion of the vocabulary is the mark of a good book & separates good from great in my grande schema of things.

Art work must be restarted or better now jump started.

The work at 811 is complete as of Sunday morning. The painting was finished 28 minutes AHEAD of schedule. This was VERY STRESSFUL as I had to be on my painting game so as not to spill or spatter ANY paint on the BRAND NEW carpet. I can honestly say I PRAYED not to get any paint on the carpet for that would have ruined everything. I was toying with and PLANNING what if there was a major spill & I accidentally knocked over the can of paint ?

Perish the thought. It didn’t happen as I remained focused, on task & obviously on track. And once again Prayer works.


That’s about all I have time for now.

Next time, a new character & rising star … Alex, shortened form of the feminine, had expressed an interest in buying some jewelry after visiting this site. Specifically earrings. So I am doing some preliminary research on some earrings with the materials I have for her. An inspiration to get something done AND lead to future sales.

Today,s image comes from a happy camper in Happy Valley.

He is at his Great Grandmothers, experimenting with food and judging from the color APPEARS to be enjoying sweet potatoes.

But I am supposing the smiley little eating, pooping & sleeping machine could be wearing a carrot necklace.


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