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10 4

This WILL BE a Federal Holiday good Buddy on the new calendar. National CB radio day, I think even somewhere National Engineering day. At any rate, I celebrated in fine style and now must catch up.

The day started early opening at the pumpkin patch aka Home Depot at 6:00 am. This means rising at 4:30 which is very dark. Because I AM a professional, I do it without grumbling and simply get after it & do my little job.

FF (fast forward) to 10:01 and I am FREE. A free agent, free bird regardless FREE.

I met Roger my electrician at 811 for a small repair and pick up a few loose items. Roger was quick & out and his fee was modest & fair. I met Roger at THD and float business his way on occasion for which he slips me a bottle of Makers. Well, TODAY was THAT payday !!

After completing tasking at 811, I stopped for a Coca-cola and the celebration began. It was a spring-like day, warm but not beastly. Sun shining & I am thinking Spring fever. I made my way from Wylie to Plano at a leisurely pace and at Barnes & Noble had some difficulty.

There was a sale on books just inside the first door that grabbed my attention. Many of the bookson sale captured my interest and some quick math told me I could spend nearly or over $60 for 5-6 books but I held off temptation and the impulse buying my Dad warned me about long ago.

If I wanted any of these books, I knew where they were and besides, they probably weren’t as good as reviewed.

My goal or purpose at B&N this day was the September issue of Bon Appetite. I had browsed this issue at the dentist office last Friday and it had some interesting articles I wanted to read. Long story abbreviated, the October issue was out and I was going to have to do some gymnastics in order to obtain what is now a ‘back issue.’ I got the info from October 17 and continued to browse.

There was a display of two books by or about the Clinton woman. I turned the top copies over and found a stack of DTrump biographies hot off the press and neatly place one of those on top of the clinton heap. I would like to see him investigate and arrest those Arkansas bandits, hoodlums, scammers & thieves known ‘affectionately’ as the clintons.

Anyway, I am near Fish Shack Plano, hungry and it is Wednesday so I stop for ceviche & dark Mexican beer.

Frank the Greek is at the helm working and we visit briefly and talk some business. We have an olive oil caper brewing. His Family in Greek makes their own and he sells it in both restaurants. Lemon & rosemary infused. Very smartly done and I am thinking nice Christmas gifts.

I stopped at the Wylie HD and they had a magnificent selection & collection of fall garden plants & herbs. Much better that 6502 so I bought some.

Upon returning to the could, things are by now slightly blurry.

I fiddled in the garage, made a few calls and it seems much more appropriate to make plans for the next two (2) days which I have OFF as in OFF the HD grid. So this Wednesday is my Friday night !!

I made a dinner of leftovers as I have a significant lunch and called it a day.

10 4 was GREAT.

The image is the most recent project completion Charadrius vocierus aka the killdeer.

This piece will be sold at the MAST fund raiser in November. Asking price is $85.

Anything less I'll just keep the piece. And I have NO PROBLEM with that.

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